CG PET 2021 Result: Scorecard, Cutoff Marks, Merit List

CG PET 2018 Result
CG PET Result

CG PET 2021 Result will be released by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board along with the answer key. The result contains the score of the candidate along with the rank obtained. Those candidates who successfully appear for the entrance examination will be able to view their result. The candidate can view the result by entering the roll number allotted to the candidate.

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CGPET 2021 Result

The result will be available for the candidates through online mode only in the form of the Score Card. It will be released in the 1st week of September 2021The candidates check the Result by entering their login details.It will contain the marks secured by the candidates in the Entrance Test. The CG PET conducting authority will release the merit list on the official website along with the rank allotted to the students.

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