Allahabad University IPS
Allahbad University Institute of Professional Studies
Updated On - February 09 2023 by Akriti Maurya
Exam notification | to be announced |
Exam date | Yet to announce |
Candidates can check all the important dates related to AU IPS 2023 below:-
Events | Dates |
Starts of Registration and submission of Form Online | September 2023 |
Last date for submission of Form Online | October 2023 |
Issuance of admit card will begin | October 2023 |
Date of Admission Test | October 2023 |
Declaration of Results | November 2023 |
Commencement of Admission | November 2023 |
Those candidates who are interested in admission in the Indian Institute of Professional Studies can submit their application form for various UG, PG and Diploma courses from the official website of the University of Allahabad. Candidates are required to ensure their eligibility before filling online application.
The candidates can check hereunder; IPS 2023 fee details:
Category | Fees |
General/OBC/EWS | Rs. 1600/- |
SC/ST/PH | Rs. 800/- |
Candidates can check the eligibility criteria of all the courses in Indian institute of professional studies
Course Name | Specialization | Eligibility Criteria |
B.A. | Fashion Design & Technology | Candidates(Female only) must pass Class 10+2 in any stream |
Media Studies | Candidates must pass Class 10+2 in any stream | |
B.Voc | ||
Food Processing & Technology | Candidates must pass Class 10+2 with Agriculture/PCB/PCM/PCBM with a minimum 50% marks(5% of relaxation for reserved categories) | |
Fashion Design & Technology | Candidates(Female only) must pass Class 10+2 in any stream | |
BCA | Computer Applications | Candidates must pass Class 10+2 in the science stream with Mathematics as a compulsory subject |
Course Name | Specialization | Eligibility Criteria |
M.Voc | Media Studies | BA/B.VOC in media studies(NSQF Level 7) or Graduation in any stream or any equivalent |
Fashion Design & Technology | Graduation in Fashion Design/B.VOC in Fashion Technology(NSQF Level 7) or Graduation in any stream or any equivalent Note: Only Female Candidates | |
MCA | Computer Applications | Candidates must pass with a minimum 50% of marks(5% of relaxation for reserved categories) in the qualifying examination. OR Candidates must hold Bachelor's Degree in Computer Applications/Computer Science Engineering or its equivalent degree. OR Candidates must hold Bachelor's Degree in Science/Commerce/Arts with Mathematics as a compulsory subject at 10+2 or Graduation level. |
M.Sc | Food Technology | Candidates must hold B.Sc degree in Food Technology/Agriculture Science/Home Science or its equivalents. OR Candidates must hold BE/B.Tech degree OR Candidates must hold B.VOC in Food Technology OR Candidates must hold B.Sc degree with Chemistry or Biochemistry as a major/minor subject. |
Nutritional Science |
Course Name | Specialization | Eligibility Criteria |
Advanced Diploma(2-Year) | Fashion Design & Technology | Candidates(Female only) must pass Class 10+2 in any stream |
Post Graduate Diploma | Computer Applications | Candidates must complete 10+2+3 in any stream or its equivalent degree with mathematical aptitude |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
Mathematics | Algebra, Permutations and Combinations, Probability and Statistics, Arithmetic, Basic Set Theory and Functions, Mensuration, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Differentiation, Circles, Conic Sections, Complex Numbers, Sequences and Series, Exponential and Log Series, Application of Derivatives, Indefinite and Definite Integration, Differential Equations, Co-ordinates and Straight Lines, Determinants and Matrices, Application of Derivatives, Indefinite and Definite Integration, Differential Equations, Co-ordinates and Straight Lines |
Computer Basics | Organization of a Computer, Computer Memory, Memory Organization, Back-up Devices. Operating System, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of instructions in CPU, Input / Output Devices. |
Data Representation | Representation of Characters, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Division, and Multiplication, Integers and Fractions, Binary and Hexadecimal representations. |
Logic Algebra | Boolean Algebra, Canonical forms of switching functions, Theorems, Switching Functions, Disjunctive and Conjunctive, Combinational and Sequential Circuits |
Computer Architecture | Block Structure of Computers, Interrupts, Communication between Processor and I/O Devices |
Computer Language | Flow Chart, Control Structures, Algorithms, Design of Algorithm, Concepts of Low Level, Intermediate Level and High-Level Language Programming in ‘C’ |
General English | Comprehension, Word power, Synonyms and Antonyms, Meanings of words and phrases, Technical Writing, Vocabulary, Basic English Grammar (like usage of correct forms of verbs, prepositions and articles) |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
Number System | Conversion from one base to another; Basic Knowledge of Combination Circuits and Sequential Circuits |
Computer Fundamentals | Units of Digital Computer, CPU, Primary & Secondary Memory, I/O Devices, Basic Programming Concepts, Design of Flow Chart and Algorithms |
Reasoning | Analogy (establishment of similarity in certain aspects, properties and relations); Classification; Series (the general principle of progression or retrogression) |
Quantitative Aptitude | Mental Ability, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Statistics |
English Language | Comprehension, Vocabulary Test, Misspelled words, Error in Sentences, English Usage, English Structure, Word Usage, Synonyms & Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, One-word Substitution, Jumbled Words, Fill in the Blanks |
General Awareness | History, Freedom Movements etc., Geography, Current Events, Sports, General Science, General Information, Abbreviations etc. |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
Agriculture | Crop Production, Soil, Soil fertility, Fertilizers and Manures, Horticulture |
Biology | The Living World and Biological Classification, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology, Genetics and Evolution, Application Biology, Morphology of Flowering Plants and Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Cell Biology and Biomolecules, Ecology and Environment |
Mathematics | Algebra, Geometry, Calculus |
Candidates also required to study some topics of Chemistry and Physics of NCERT.
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
Food and Dairy Technology | Food Processing, Food Engineering, Food Science, Food Microbiology, Food Packaging, Sensory evaluation, Quality Control & Assurance, Food laws & Regulations, Auditing and Certification, Food Business Management & Entrepreneurship, General Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Dairy Technology |
HOME SCIENCE | Food & Nutrition, Nutritional Biochemistry, Food Science, Human Development & Family Studies/Child Development, Home Management/ Family Resource Management, Clothing & Textiles: Introduction to clothing construction, Home Science Extension Education, |
AGRICULTURE | Agrometeorology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Livestock Production, Care and management, Artificial Insemination, Crop Production, Livestock Products, Crop Production, Soil, Soil fertility, Fertilizers and Manures, Irrigation and Drainage, Weed Control, Crops, Horticulture |
Mathematics | Algebra, Complex Analysis, Calculus and Real Analysis, Topology |
Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry |
Biology | Introduction, Structure and properties of biomolecules, Enzymes, Biodiversity and Phytogeography, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology, Environmental Biology |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
General Knowledge | Indian History, Indian Polity, Geography, Indian Economy, General Science, Computer Knowledge |
Current Affairs | General awareness about development and public issues, World & India |
Language Proficiency | Hindi & English |
Simple Logical & Quantitative Reasoning | Analytical Abilities |
Introduction to Print, Radio, Television & Cinema Industry of India | - |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
General Knowledge | Indian History, Indian Polity, Geography, Indian Economy, General Science, Computer Knowledge |
Current Affairs | World & India, General awareness about development and public issues |
Language Proficiency | Hindi & English |
Simple Logical & Quantitative Reasoning | Analytical Abilities |
Introduction to Mass Communication | Meaning & types of communication, Functions & tools of mass communication |
Indian media | History of Print and Broadcast Media in general with particular reference to India, Present Media Scenario of India and the latest trends and developments in the media, Journalisms, their role and responsibilities, Indian Cinema Industry: History & Present Scenario; Online Journalism & Social Media |
Indian constitution and freedom of speech | - |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
General English | Nouns, adjectives, common errors, verbs, punctuation ordering of sentences or jumbled up sentences fill in the blanks cloze test, idioms & phrases, choosing the appropriate filler. synonyms and antonyms, reconstruction of sentence & passage. one word substitution commonly misspelt words. etc |
Computer Fundamental | Basics of computers, hardware, software, input & output units, internet basics, primary & secondary memories computer abbreviation. etc |
General Awareness and Current Affairs | Abbreviations / full forms, important days/dates, currency and capital, ministers and their departments, books & their authors, awards & honours, sports, budget, agriculture, movies, current affairs (last 6 months) etc |
Basic Reasoning | Number series, Problems based on numbers. approximation wrong number, percentage, relationship, ratio and proportions |
Fashion Events | Fashion weeks, fashion shows, trade shows, exhibitions, awards etc |
Designers & Brands | National & international designers & their work, logos, catch lines, and brand ambassadors etc |
Colour Basics | Primary & secondary colours, colour significance and association, warm & Cool colours etc |
Elementary Clothing | Fabrics, prints, apparels, embroideries, traditional costumes etc. |
Drawing & Sketching | Sketching and colouring of dresses in accordance with a theme like- party wear, festive wear, office wear etc. |
Topics | Important Sub-Topics |
Quantitative Ability | Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Addition, Percentage, Rate of Interest, Work and Task, Ratio and Proportion, and Distance. |
Communication Ability and English Comprehension | Words with corresponding meanings, singular, plural, one-word substitutes, synonyms, antonyms, idioms and phrases, correct spellings, comprehend a situation from a given passage etc. |
Reasoning | Analogy (establishment of similarity in certain aspects, properties and relations); Classification; Series (the general principle of progression or retrogression) |
General Awareness | History, Freedom Movements etc., Geography, Current Events, Sports, General Science, Computer FundamentalsGeneral Information, Abbreviations etc. |
Computer Fundamentals | Units of Digital Computer, Computer Generations, CPU, Primary & Secondary Memory, I/O Devices, Operating System, fundamentals of the Internet. |
Fashion Awareness (Indian & Abroad) | Fashion personalities, Events, Designers & Brands, culture and trends, different dress style of different regions |
AU IPS 2023 Admit Card for all the valid candidates will be processed and enabled online.
The admission will be given to candidates on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the entrance examination. Candidates are required to obtain the minimum number to qualify the test. Those who will qualify the entrance exam will be called for the further admission process. If there is any procedure for counselling then candidates will be notified.
Candidates can check reservation criteria for admission in AU IPS 2023 below:-
Category | Seats Reserved |
SC Category | 15% |
ST Category | 7.5% |
OBC Category | 27% |
Special Quota or weightage is given to Kashmiri Migrants, Foreign Candidates, NCC Candidates, Sports, etc.
Candidates can check the basic details below:-
Exam Name | Allahabad University IPS 2023 |
Exam Level | State |
Course Offered | UG & PG courses |
Conducting Body | University of Allahabad |
IPS Official website | |
Title | Dates |
Form Date | 11 Sep - 03 Oct 2023 (Tentative) |
Admit card | 13 Oct 2023 (Tentative) |
Exam Date | 22 Oct 2023 (Tentative) |
Result | 17 Nov 2023 (Tentative) |
S.No | Subjects | Questions | Marks | Total |
1 | --- | --- | --- | --- |
11 Sep 2023
03 Oct 2023
22 Oct 2023
₹ 1,600