
BSSC Recruitment

Bihar Staff Selection Commission

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) 2023: Registration, Admit Card, Exam Date

Updated On - January 31 2023 by Abhinandan Singh

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) is the governing body that conducts state-level exam for the recruitment of the non-gazetted posts of Level 3 below the grade pay of 6500-10,500/-. The vacancies of BSSC for various posts under the Government of Bihar are advertised on the official website. THerefore, the candidates who are interested in participating in the recruitment process must regularly visit the official page. However, we will also update the candidates about various BSSC Recruitment 2023 in this article. It is also important to check the eligibility criteria and age requirements before filling the application form of BSSC. Check this article to get more details like BSSC Notification, list of vacancies for the post of non-Gazetted rank, BSSC admit card, exam date, result, Personal Interview, etc.


Latest Updates

  • The exam date for the BSSC 2023 will be notified shortly.

BSSC Recruitment 2023

BSSC is a job recruitment exam in B and C grade posts of the Government of Bihar. This Commission was established to conduct the recruitment process for the Government jobs under the Subordinate offices of Bihar. Therefore, the aspirants of Government jobs must definitely give a try for the BSSC Recruitment exam 2023. They must fill the application form as soon as it is advertised on the official website. The entire process of recruitment is under the guidelines of the Bihar Staff Selection Commission. You can check the BSSC Upcoming exams, syllabus, admit card, result, etc. You can follow our page and get all the details about the latest BSSC Recruitment Notification  from this article. 

BSSC Exam Dates 2023

The Commission will release the dates of the application form and exam dates as soon as any job post is advertised. Therefore, you must get all the details from the advertisement provided on the official website as well as in the local newspaper. However, we are giving the tentative dates of BSSC 2023 application form in the table given below:
BSSC Exam Dates
BSSC 1st Inter Level Exam Notification 2023

06 April 2023

BSSC application form 2023 release date

14 April 2023

Last date to apply for BSSC application form 2023

01 June 2023

BSSC Exam Dates

To be notified soon

BSSC Admit card

To be notified soon

How to Apply for BIhar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) 2023?

The application form of BSSC is available in the online mode only. The commission will advertise the post along with all the details and eligibility criteria on its website. Therefore, the aspirants can visit the official page of BSSC to fill the online application form. The BSSC application form last date will also be given in the advertisement. You must follow all the instructions before filling the online application form. Check the steps given below:
  • Initially, the candidates must visit the official website of BSSC, This is the official portal of BSSC  where you can find the latest job advertisement in the updates section.
  • Now, the first step in the process of application is doing the online registration. Candidates must register themselves by filling all the required details like name, email id, mobile number, etc. You will receive login credentials in your mail.
  • After that login with your user id and password. Then you can start filling the online application form of a particular post. 
  • Fill all the details in the application form correctly and select the priority of exam centres.
  • In the next step, you will be redirected to make fee payment. Pay the application fees.
  • Take the print of the acknowledgement slip and save it for future references.
  • You DO NOT have to submit the hardcopy of the application form to the registered office. However, keep a copy of the application form with you for any further use.
  • This completes your online application form process for the BSSC recruitment exam.
Application Fees
The candidates will have to pay a nominal fee for the application form. This fee is regulated by the BSSC and without the payment of application fees, your form is not accepted by the Commission. Check the details of BSSC Application fees from the table given below:
Application fees
Application Fee
For General Category (form Bihar)
For SC/ST Candidates
For all Female Candidates from State of Bihar

Eligibility Criteria for BSSC Inter level Exam 2023

The candidates must check the eligibility criteria for the BSSC Recruitment exam before filling the application form. If a candidate is found ineligible after filling the form, his/her application will be rejected and no refund of fees shall be admissible. Therefore, one should check the eligibility criteria to apply for BSSC from the details given below:
  • Age limit: in order to apply for the BSSC Inter- level exam the female candidates must be 18 - 40 years of age and Male candidates must be 18- 37 years of age. However, age relaxation is given as per the category of the candidates. Details will be provided in the advertisement.
  • Educational Qualification: In order to be eligible for the BSSC inter-level exam, the candidate must have passed the intermediate exam from any recognized Board. However, for the post of the clerk, a basic knowledge of shorthand and typing is required.

Exam Pattern of BSSC Exam 2023

For the candidates who are applying for the posts of BSSC at Intermediate level, they must check the exam pattern and marking scheme of the exam. If a candidate has knowledge of the exam pattern, then he/she can score good marks in the exam. Get the exam pattern of BSSC from the table given below:
Exam Pattern
Number of questions
Paper 1
Paper 2
General Knowledge

Syllabus of BSSC Inter-level Exam

Syllabus is the most important part to qualify in any examination. Therefore, the candidates who have applied for Bihar Staff Selection Commission must check the Syllabus of BSSC from the official website. They must prepare for the exam on the basis of the prescribed syllabus of the exam. Get the detailed syllabus of BSSC from the table given below:
Part A
Part B
1.General Awareness- The questions are based on the knowledge of the environment and surroundings, latest happenings in the world, etc. This is basically to check the observation skills of the candidates.
1. General Science- This part carries questions from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography.
2. Current Affairs- This section carries questions based on the following topics:
2. Mathematics- The section is based on the questions from the following topics
History of India, and the general history about the world.
Culture of India
Rational and Irrational Number
Customs of India
Number system
Economy of India
Probability and statistics
Gross Domestic Product of India
States and Union Territories of India
Geography of India and Neighbouring countries
Indian agricultural
Sustainable development in India
Compound Interest
Renewable and Non Renewable Resources of India.
Simple Interest
Constitution of India
Profit and loss
Democracy of India
Unitary method
Politics of India
Ratio and proportion
Part(C) Comprehension/Logic/Reasoning/Mental
Problem-solving Analysis
Blood relation questions
Clock and calendar
Similarities & Differences
Seating Arrangements
Arithmetic Reasoning
Alphabet series Reasoning
Number Arrangements
Alphabet Arrangements

BSSC Recruitment 2023 Admit Card

The candidates who have applied for the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) recruitment exam will have to sit for the Combined-level exam. Therefore, the Commission will issue the admit card of BSSC recruitment 2023 to all those candidates. The hall ticket of BSSC contains details like the name of the post, exam date, venue, duration, things to carry and not to carry inside the exam hall, dress code (if any), important instructions for the exam, etc. It is mandatory for all the candidates to carry the hall ticket of the BSSC on the day of exam. Without a valid admit card in hardcopy, no candidates will be allowed to enter the examination hall. The admit card may also be required at the time of Interview process.
Therefore the candidates must retain a copy of the admit card with them till the recruitment process is not completed. 

Answer Key of BSSC Exam 2023

The official answer key of Paper I and II will be available on the official website. The examination authority will release the answer key of BSSC after one or two days of the exam. The candidates can download the answer key and calculate their expected marks in the exam. In case, if there is any doubt or discrepancy in the answer key released by the commission, the candidates can also raise objections within a certain time. Once the final answer key is released, no challenge shall be entertained.

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) Result 2023

The official authority will declare the result of BSSC on the specific dates. Candidates can check their BSSC recruitment result 2021 by entering their login credentials. The result is released in the form of the shortlisted candidates who are qualified in the exam. Once the result is announced, the candidates will be called for the personal interview and other stages of the selection process. 

Types of Posts in BSSC Recruitment

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission conducts the recruitment for the followings posts for the candidates who have applied for the exam:
Posts Details 
Rajyabhasha Sahayak (Urdu)
Urdu Anuvadak
Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak
Sanitary Inspector
Junior Engineer (Civil/Mechanical)
OT Assistant
Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery [A.N.M]
City Manager
Primary Teacher
Second graduate Combined Competitive Exam
Agriculture Coordinator
Pramandaliya Rajbhasha Anudeshak
Ayurvedic Mishrk
Unani Mishrak
Kara Mishrak
Homeopathy Mishrk
Assistant Teacher
Recruitment for ITI qualified
Lab Assistant
Recruitment for Diploma of Engineering qualified
Lab Technician

Selection Process of BSSC Recruitment 2023

Once the candidates have given the combined-level exam of Bihar Staff Selection Commission, they will have to go through various other rounds of the selection process. This includes personal interview, skill and aptitude test and various other parameters. The selection process varies according to the job profile or the post for which recruitment is done. You can get all the details about the selection process of BSSC from details given below:
  • Written Exam: The Bihar Staff Selection Commission conducts a combined-level written exam for all the applicants who have applied for a certain post. Therefore, a written exam is one of the major parameters of the selection process. The candidates can take part in the further admission process only if a candidate qualifies in the written exam. The written exam may be of one or two papers in which a candidate will have to secure minimum qualifying marks.
  • Personal Interview: The next stage in the selection process is the Interview round. There are lakhs and lakhs of candidates who apply for the post with limited number of seats. Therefore, screening is very important and interviews are one of the major sources of screening the most eligible candidates. Those candidates who qualify in the written exam are called for the PI round to check their conversation skills and the overall personality of the candidate.
  • Skill ability test: There are a few posts for which skill test is much required. For example, for the post of clerk or stenographer, it is mandatory to have a very good typing skill in the candidate. However, not all posts have this skill test. For most of the posts the recruitment is done after the above two rounds of screening process. 
  • Other Parameters: Apart from these three, there are various other parameters on the basis of which the selection process is carried out. THese include the educational and academic records of the candidates, their previous work experience, any other extra curricular activities, etc.

About BSSC

Bihar Staff SElection Commision (BSSC) is an organising body that conducts the combined- level state exam for the recruitment process of personals in the Level-3 under the grade pay of Rs. 6500-10,500/-. The commission functions under the norms of the state Government of Bihar. It is responsible to conduct the job recruitment process in a fair and smooth way. THe vacancies for various posts are advertised on the official website of the BSSC. This is a state regulated body.

Highlights of Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) 2023

Name of the Exam
Bihar Staff Selection Commission BSSC)
Conduction Body
Mode of Exam
Online/ Offline
Type of Posts
Level-3 (Group B and C)
Grade Pay
Rs. 6500-10,500/-
Application Form
Admit Card
Contact Details
Phone no.: (0612)-2227728
Director Contact
Phone no.: 0612-2227727 and Fax: 0612-2225736.
Secretary Contact
Phone no.: 0612-2220359and Fax: 0612-2225736.
Official website

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