Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Lateral Entry 2020

BCECE LE - Eligibility Criteria

Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Lateral Entry

Pen & Paper Mode

BCECE LE 2022: Check Eligibility Criteria here, Who Can Apply?

Updated On - January 07 2022 by Divyansh K

BCECE LE 2022: In August, the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) will begin accepting applications for the BCECE LE 2022 exam. For qualifying candidates, the BCECE LE 2022 application form will be made available online by the exam administrators. Before applying for the entrance examination, students should carefully review the BCECE LE 2022 qualifying conditions.

BCECE LE 2022 Eligibility Criteria

BCECE LE Engg Eligibility Criteria

Candidates should examine the BCECE LE Engineering 2022 eligibility criteria to ensure that they are qualified to apply. The following are the detailed eligibility criteria for BCECE LE Engineering 2022:

Age Requirement: There is no age restriction for taking the exam.
Academic Qualifications:
  • The candidate must have passed a diploma examination in an appropriate discipline of engineering and technology with at least 45 percent (40 percent for candidates from the reserved category).
  • Candidates who have earned a B.Sc. degree from a UGC-accredited university with at least 45 percent (40 percent for reserved category candidates) and completed the 10+2 examination with Mathematics as a subject are also eligible to apply.
  • However, students in the B.Sc. stream are required to pass the first-year engineering topics Engineering Graphics/Engineering Drawing and Engineering Mechanics, as well as the second-year subjects.
  • It should be noted that candidates from the B.Sc. stream will only be considered when students from the Diploma stream have filled the remaining seats in this category.
Citizenship: In addition to being an Indian citizen, the candidate must meet one of the citizenship requirements listed below.
  • The candidate's parents must be Bihar natives.
  • Although the candidate's parents live in another state, they work in Bihar.
  • The contestants' parents are refugees who have settled in Bihar.
  • Those candidates whose parents are pre-partition Bihar government employees whose departments have not yet been partitioned and who are still employed in the Bihar/Jharkhand region.
  • Whose parents work for the Bihar State Government or an Indian government PSU
  • Whose parents work for the Central Government and reside in Bihar

BCECE LE Para Medical Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must ensure that they meet the BCECE (LE) para Medical 2022 eligibility requirements as set forth by the authorities. Examine the BCECE (LE) para Medical in depth. Criteria for eligibility are as follows:

Age Requirement: Candidates must be at least 18 years old on December 31, 2022, to apply for BCECE Lateral Entry Para Medical 2022.
Academic Requirements:
  • Candidates must have completed a two-year paramedical diploma programme.
  • Candidates who have yet to take the second year of the Para Medical Diploma course in 2019 are also eligible to enrol if they pass the exams before the admission deadline.
  • Candidates are only eligible to apply for paramedical courses in which they have completed their diplomas. They are not eligible if that course is not available.
Citizenship: Candidates must ensure that they meet the BCECE (LE) para Medical 2022 eligibility requirements as set forth by the authorities. Examine the BCECE (LE) para Medical in depth. Criteria for eligibility are as follows:
  • Candidates must be at least 18 years old on December 31, 2022, to apply for BCECE Lateral Entry Para Medical 2022.
  • Academic Requirements: Candidates must have completed a two-year paramedical diploma programme.
  • Candidates who have yet to take the second year of the Para Medical Diploma course in 2019 are also eligible to enrol if they pass the exams before the admission deadline.
  • Candidates are only eligible to apply for paramedical courses in which they have completed their diploma. They are not eligible if that course is not available.

To be considered for admission, candidates must undergo a medical examination by one of the selected doctors. The cost of this medical examination must be paid separately.

BCECE LE Engg Eligibility Criteria

Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria of BCECE LE Engineering 2022 to make sure that they are eligible to apply. Given below is the detailed BCECE LE Engineering 2022 eligibility criteria:

Age Limit- There is no age limit for appearing for the exam.
Academic Qualification-
  • Candidate should have passed Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in appropriate branch of Engineering and Technology.
  • Candidates who have passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC, with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics as a subject are also eligible to apply.
  • But it is mandatory for the students belonging to B.Sc. Stream to clear the subjects Engineering Graphics /Engineering Drawing and Engineering Mechanics of the First-year Engineering Programme along with the second year subjects.
  • It must be noted that the students belonging to B.Sc. Stream shall be considered only after filling the supernumerary seats in this category with students belonging to the Diploma stream.

Along with being a citizen of India, the candidate should fulfil any one of the following requirements of citizenship
  • The candidate's parents should be natives of Bihar.
  • The candidate's parents are residents of some other place but work in Bihar.
  • The parents of the candidates are refugees who settled in Bihar.
  • Those candidates whose parents are an employee of the pre-partition Bihar Government and their department has not yet been divided and are still working as its employee in the region of Bihar/Jharkhand.
  • Whose parents are the employee of Bihar State Government or  PSU of Indian Government
  • Whose parents are the employee of the Central Government and are located in Bihar


BCECE LE Para Medical Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria of BCECE (LE) Para-Medical 2022 as prescribed by the authorities. Check the detailed BCECE (LE) Para-Medical Eligibility criteria low mentioned below:

Age Limit: Candidates applying for BCECE Lateral Entry Para Medical 2022 should be at least 18 years old on December 31, 2022.
Academic Qualification:
  • The candidate should have passed two years Para Medical Diploma courses.
  • Candidates who are yet to give the exams of the second year of the Para Medical Diploma course in 2019 are also eligible to apply provided that they pass before the admission
  • Candidates are eligible to apply for that course of Para Medical only in which they have passed their Diploma. In case that course is not available then they are not eligible to apply for any other course.
Along with being a citizen of India, the candidate should fulfil any one of the following requirements of citizenship
  • The candidate's parents should be natives of Bihar.
  • The candidate's parents are residents of some other place but work in Bihar.
  • The parents of the candidates are refugees who settled in Bihar.
  • Those candidates whose parents are employees of the pre-partition Bihar Government and their department has not yet been divided and are still working as its employee in the region of Bihar/Jharkhand.
  • Whose parents are the employee of Bihar State Government or  PSU of Indian Government
  • Whose parents are the employee of the Central Government and are located at Bihar

Candidates will have to go through the medical checkup by the selected doctors to be eligible for admissions. The fee for this medical checkup will have to be paid separately.

BCECE LE Pharmacy Eligibility Criteria

Candidates should verify the BCECE (LE) Pharmacy 2022 eligibility criteria to ensure that they are eligible to apply. The following are the detailed BCECE (LE) Pharmacy Eligibility criteria:

Age Limit: Candidates must be at least 18 years old on December 31, 2022, to apply for BCECE Lateral Entry Para Medical 2022.
Academic Qualification:

Candidate must have completed a two-year pharmacy diploma programme at a recognised university or institution.
Candidates who have not yet completed the second year of their Pharmacy Diploma degree in 2019 are also eligible to apply if they pass the exams before the admission deadline.


In addition to being an Indian citizen, the candidate must meet one of the citizenship conditions listed below.

  • The candidate's parents must be Bihar natives.
  • Although the candidate's parents live in another state, they work in Bihar.
  • The contestants' parents are refugees who have settled in Bihar.
  • Those candidates whose parents are pre-partition employees. The Bihar government and its departments have not yet been separated, and its employees are still working in the Bihar/Jharkhand region.
  • Whose parents work for the Bihar State Government or an Indian government PSU
  • Whose parents work for the Central Government and reside in Bihar

To be considered for admission, candidates must undergo a medical examination by one of the selected doctors. The cost of this medical examination must be paid separately.  

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Form Start Date:

04 Apr 2023

Form End Date:

01 Jun 2023

The last date to submit the form was on 01 Jun 2023
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Examination Date (Online):

05 Jul 2023

Application Fees:

₹ 2,200

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11 Nov 2022-31 Mar 2023

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28 Nov 2022-29 May 2023

NIIT University

16 Dec 2022-30 Apr 2023


20 Dec 2022-31 May 2023


01 Feb 2023-21 Feb 2023

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