JET ABM 2023 will be conducted in April 2023 tentatively. JET ABM stands for Joint Entrance Test Agribusiness Management. This exam is conducted by the three apex institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, i.e. i) National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, ii) Chaudhary Charan Singh National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (CCS-NIAM), Jaipur and iii) National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad. This exam is conducted every year. JET-ABM offers the most convenient choice for aspiring students to apply for agribusiness management programmes for a single entrance test. Candidates can read the below-given article to know more about JET ABM 2023.
JET ABM 2023 Exam Status
Candidates can check the details about JET ABM 2023 which is mentioned below:
Particular | Status |
Exam Status | No official notification announce yet |
JET ABM 2023 Important Dates
Candidates can check the important dates and events regarding the JET ABM 2023 from the below-given table:
JET ABM 2023 Important Dates
Events | Dates (Tentative) |
Registration Opens | March 2023 |
Registration Closes | April 2023 |
Exam Date | April 2023 |
Result Date | April 2023 |
JET ABM 2023 Application Form
JET ABM 2023 Application form will be released in both online and offline mode. Candidates can check the below-given information related to JET ABM registration 2023 in detail:
Through Online Mode:
- An application form will be made available on the official website.
- The form has to be filled with all the relevant details like personal information, nationality and preferences in the test centre, etc. for the registration process.
- After successful completion of the registration of the application, an Application Number will be generated by the system, which should be used for completing the rest part of the application.
- Then the candidate has to upload the photograph signature & left-hand thumb impression as prescribed by the authority.
- The photo image should not be older than 3 months.
- A photograph should be in JPEG format.
- The candidate has to submit the full payment in the form of DD to complete the JET ABM application form submission process.
- The candidates are advised to take out the print copy of the filled application form for further use.
Through Offline Mode:
Candidates can request the JET ABM 2023 application Form and prospectus by Post from any of the three participating institutions by sending the request along with aDD for a requisite amount drawn as per details given below:
- JET-ABM, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE),
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030; IPO/DD drawn in favour of MANAGE, Hyderabad, payable at Hyderabad,
- JET-ABM, Choudhary Charan Singh National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Bambala, Kota Road, Jaipur - 302 033, IPO/DD drawn in favour of –D.G., NIAM (PGDABM), payable at Jaipur,
- JET-ABM, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 407; IPO/DD drawn in favour of ICAR Unit-NAARM , payable at Hyderabad.
- Candidate must fill all details carefully as a candidate cannot change any details filled in their application form if finally submitted.
Documents required to fill the application form
Candidates keep the following documents ready before filling out the registration form:
- X Class / SSC
- XII class/Intermediate
- Degree / Provisional Degree Certificate
- Degree marks sheet or OGPA certificate indicating percentage equivalence
- Post Graduation marks sheet with OGPA aggregate marks (if applicable)
- Proof of employment (Certificate from present employer)
- SC/ST/PH/OBC certificate (if applicable)
- Certificates of special extra-curricular achievements
- Any other (specify)
The completed applications form has to be sent along with the above-given certificates at :
JET-ABM, Post Bag No.5, P.O. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.
JET ABM 2023 Application fee
The registration fee JET ABM 2023 is Rs 100/-. Candidates can pay the application fee through Demand Draft.
JET ABM 2023 Eligibility Criteria
For admission in the Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Agri-Business Management candidate must have a minimum qualification of a four-year bachelor's degree in any of the following subjects from any Agricultural University or Institution recognized by the ICAR/UGC.
- Agriculture
- Agri-Business Management/Commercial Agriculture and Agri-Business
- Management/Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agricultural Information Technology
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnology
- Dairy Technology; Energy and Environmental Engineering; Fisheries
- Food Technology/Food Process Engineering
- Forestry
- Horticulture
- Sericulture
- Veterinary Science.
JET ABM 2023 Reservation Criteria
The reservation of seats will be available for OBC, SC, ST and Physically Handicapped categories as per Government of India rules.
Total Number of Seats: 30
JET ABM 2023 Selection Process
Those who possess eligible educational qualifications and wish to join PGDMA must apply for Joint Entrance Test- Agri-Business Management (JET-ABM).
JET ABM 2023 Exam Pattern
The length of the written test is 180 minutes and 180 questions will be the total number of questions. 1/3 rd of the mark will be deducted from the overall mark received by the applicant for any wrong answer. The examination pattern is as follows:
- Agriculture Connaissance-40 Queries
- Quantitative suitability-40 Questions
- Logical competence-40 Questions
- English Proficiency-40 Questions
- Knowledge General-40 Questions
The exam is conducted by the three Apex institunts under the min8stery marketing ccs govt of 1/ chowdhury institute agriculture marketing charon singh
This exam JET ABM Basic Information Application Fee: ₹ 2,800 Number Of Attempts: 1 Examination Modes: Pen & Paper Mode Exam Conducting Body: Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (MPUAT) Courses: MBA Streams: Management JET ABM 2021: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Dates Updated On - February 20 2021 by Bhumika Singh JET ABM 2021 will be conducted on 24 April 2021 tentatively. It is also called as Joint Entrance Test Agribusiness management. This exam is con
185 minite
Yes canditates can edit application from during the correcting windows