AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 i.e. All India Institute of Medical Sciences Post-Graduate & Post-Doctoral Course entrance exam will be organised by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. It is organized twice every year at the national level. This exam is organized to provide admission to eligible candidates in DM/M.Ch & MD (Hospital Administration). Furthermore, the candidates must ensure their eligibility before they apply for the exam. The candidates must go through the complete article to know further about AIIMS PG MD 2023 Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Admit Card, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Result, Counselling, etc.
AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 Exam Status
Candidates can check the AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 Exam Status from the below-given table:
AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration
Exam date stage 1
23rd April,2023
Result stage 1
27th April,2023
Departmental Assaessment(stage II)
4th,5th and 6th May, 2023
Result Notification
10th May, 2023
Brochure pdf
yet to release
AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 Important Dates
The candidate can check the important dates in the table given below:
AIIMS PG MD 2023 Schedule
Application start date
08 March 2023
Application last date
31 March 2023
Entrance Examination
17 April 2023
Result Notification
22 April 2023
Departmental assessment
09-11 June 2023
Final Result
15 June 2023
AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 Application Form
The candidates must carefully fill every detail in the Application Form. Also, they need to submit the AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 Application Form before the last date to appear in the exam. The candidates will have to do Basic Registration & then final registration. Following is the information about the AIIMS PG 2023 Final Registration where candidates had to fill the application form:
The application form is available on the official website.
Other changes in the online Registration/Application i.e. Nationality, Sponsored to General, General to Sponsored, etc. will not be permitted.
The cost of the Application Form includes the application fee for the entrance examination, which is non-refundable and no request regarding this will be entertained.
Candidates must upload their Photo/Signature/Left Thumb Impression according to the prescribed format.
The candidates must fill the application form correctly with complete information.
Furthermore, more than one application will not be entertained and the application fee will not be refunded.
Application Fees
The aspirants can check the Examination fees details in the given below table:
AIIMS PG Registration Fees 2023
General / OBC Category
Rs. 1500/- + Transaction Charges as applicable
SC/ST Category
Rs. 1200/- + Transaction Charges as applicable
PWBD Candidates
Mode of payment: The candidates can pay the application fee online through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking.
The applying candidates can make changes in their Application form (if required). The Correction Window will open and the date of which will be revealed on the website. No correspondence will be entertained after the last date under any circumstances.
The candidates must carefully go through the AIIMS Hospital Management admission requirements 2023 in the below list. AIIMS PG MD Eligibility Criteriamust be checked before filling the online application form.
DM / M.Ch (3 years) Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
The candidates must have completed their MD/MS or DNB (in their respective discipline) from a Medical Council of India (MCI) recognized University.
The required qualification, degree, and tenure must have been completed by 31 January 2023.
Age Limit:
The upper age limit is of 35 years as of 01 January 2023.
The upper age limit does not apply to sponsored candidates.
AIIMS PG Age Relaxation Details
Upper Age Limit Relaxation provided
OBC Candidates
3 years (maximum)
SC/ST candidates
5 years (maximum)
Ex-Serviceman and Commissioned Officer including ECO, SSCO who have rendered or released on satisfactory assignment
5 years (maximum)
PWD candidates (persons with benchmark disabilities)
5 years (maximum)
MD (Hospital Administration)
For Medical Graduates:
The candidate must have completed their MBBS or must have an equivalent degree (As per MCI) with a minimum of three years of experience in a hospital in the relevant field or five years in general practice.
The SC/ST category candidates must have an aggregate of 50% marks & 55% marks (for General/OBC category candidates).
Graduated from Foreign Universities:
Indian National candidates who have been graduated from foreign Universities must fill their MCI screening exam % in the online form.
A minimum of 55% marks (for UR/OBC category candidates ) & 50% marks (for SC/ST category candidates) in the FMGE exam ( Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) conducted by NBE, Govt. of India, Delhi.
The number of seats for the AIIMS PG PD Hospital Administration is given below. The applicants can check the available seats in different subjects:
DM / M.Ch (3 years) in Super-specialty Departments
Seat Matrix
Number of seats
Psychiatry/ DM-Addiction Psychiatry NDDTC
CTVS/ DM-CardiacSurgical Intensive Care
Cardiac-Anaesthesia. DM-Cardiac Anesthesiology
Cardiology/ DM-Cardiology
Hematology/ DM-Clinical Hematology
Pharmacology/DM-Clinical Pharmacology
Anesthesiology & Critical Care/ DM-Critical Care Medicine
Endocrinology & Metabolism/ DM-Endocrinology
Gastro. & HNU/ DMGastroenterology
Hematology/ DM-Haematopathology
Medicine & Microbiology/ DM-Infectious Diseases
Surgery Trauma Centre M.Ch-Trauma Surgery & Critical Care
There are many more subjects. The applicants can check on the official website.
MD (Hospital Administration)
There is a total of 10 seats for this course. The candidates can check the official website to know more.
If any Scheduled Tribes seat remains vacant then these seats will be transferred to the SC category & vice versa.
If any SC/ST seat remains vacant (after calling all eligible candidates of the SC/ST category) then these vacant seats, shall be made available to the eligible GeneralCategory candidates.
Similarly, in case the OBC seat remains vacant after calling all eligible OBC candidates then these vacant OBC seats shall be made available to the eligible general category candidates.
Similarly, in case the EWS seat remains vacant then these vacant EWS seats shall be made available to eligible general category candidates.
The AIIMS PG MD 2023 Admit Card for the January session will be released on the official website. Further details are mentioned below for the DM/MCh/MD (Hospital Administration) Admit Card:
The admit card can be downloaded by login with the email and password.
The hall ticket has details like name, center name, examination, etc.
The authority will not send the admit card by post.
The applicants can download the hall ticket also on the examination date.
The hall ticket/admit card is the necessary document to be carried to the exam hall.
The appearing candidates must have secured 50% marks in Stage-I to qualify for Stage-II (Departmental Assessment).
Overall, a candidate must secure more than 50% marks to become eligible for admission (both in stage-I & Stage-II combined)
In case the candidate gets >50%marks in Stage-I & <50%marks in Stage I & II combined, he/she will not be eligible for admission.
Final Selection: Final result will be declared based on total marks obtained in stage-1 and Stage-II
Method of Resolving Ties
According to age (Date of birth), the older candidate shall get preference over the younger one.
AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2023 Exam Centre
The following are the test centers where the entrance test will be conducted by the conducting body. The applying candidates can select their exam center as per their preference:
To provide admission to the eligible candidates in DM/M.Ch & MD (Hospital Administration) in AIIMS.
About All India Institute of Medical Sciences
The first AIIMS was established in the year 1956 under the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Act, 1956. The AIIMS is a group of autonomous Govt. public medical colleges of higher education. These institutes have been declared by an Act of Parliament as Institutes of National Importance. Today there are 12 campuses of AIIMS viz; New Delhi, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur, Rishikesh, Raebareli, Mangalagiri, Nagpur, Gorakhpur, Bhatinda.
AIIMS PG MD Application Form Date
08 Mar - 31 Mar 2023 (Tentative)
Admit Card Downloading Date
12 May 2023 (Tentative)
21 May 2023 (Tentative)
18 Jun 2023 (Tentative)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Post-Graduate & Post-Doctoral Course [DM/M.Ch & MD (Hospital Administration) Exam Pattern
Paper 1
Exam Duration:
1 hours 30 minutes
Total Marks:
Question Paper Type :
Multiple Choice Questions
Negative Marking:
Frequently Asked Questions
Ques 1: What is the full form of AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration?
Ques 2: When the Admit Card will be released for AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration Entrance Exam 2022 for July Session?
Ques 3: What are the courses offered on qualifying AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration Entrance Exam 2022?
Ques 4: Can we crack NEET in 20 days?
Ques 5: When the Correction Window will open for AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2022 for January Session?
Ques 6: How many questions are repeated in NEET from previous year question papers?
Ques 7: Which body conducts the AIIMS DM/MCh/MD (HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION) Entrance Exam?
Ques 8: When AIIMS PG MD HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION 2022 will be conducted?
Ques 9: When AIIMS PG MD Hospital Administration 2021 result will be declared?
Form Start Date:
08 Mar 2023
Form End Date:
31 Mar 2023
The last date to submit the form was on 31 Mar 2023