PSTET 2023 Admit Card is released online by the conducting authority. Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test is conducted by the Punjab School Examination Board (PSEB). The exam will be held in December 2023. Candidates can go through the article below and get all information related to PSTET Admit Card 2023 of how to download, documents required at the time of examination and also the dates of downloading the Hall Ticket.
- Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) has released the admit card for the Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test (PSTET) 2023 on its official website,
- PSTET 2023 is a state-level examination that will be conducted on March 12, 2023, for candidates seeking eligibility for teaching positions in government schools in Punjab.
- To download the admit card, candidates need to enter their registration number and password on the website.
- The admit card contains important information such as the candidate's name, roll number, exam date, and exam center details. Candidates must carry a printout of the admit card to the exam center along with a valid photo ID.
- In case of any discrepancy or error in the admit card, candidates should contact the PSEB immediately for correction. Candidates are advised to carefully read the instructions on the admit card and follow them during the examination.
PSTET 2023 Admit Card Dates
Following are the important dates of PSTET 2023 Admit Card.
Events | Dates (tentative) |
Admit card release date | March 2023 |
Exam date | March 12, 2023 |
PSTET 2023 Admit Card
The PSTET 2023 Admit Card will be issued only after the successfully registration of the candidates. The candidates can download their hall ticket through online mode only after their successful registration.
The Candidates are advised to go follow the following instructions carefully before going for the Examination:
- No candidate will be allowed to enter in the examination centre, on the given Date and Shift other than that allotted to him/her in their hall ticket.
- In case, if a candidate is unable to download Hall Ticket from the website, the candidate must approach the Helpline of Punjab School Education Board.
- The candidates are advised to report at the Examination Centre one hour before the commencement of the examination to avoid any inconvenience before the time.
- Candidates will not be permitted to enter the Examination Center after the entry after the examination timing.
- A seat with mentioned roll number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidates should find and sit on their roll number marked seat only.
- The candidate should ensure that the question paper available to them is as per his/her opted paper indicated in the Admit Card. In case, the topic of question paper is aside from his/her opted paper, the same may be brought to the notice of the Invigilator concerned.
Documents need to be carried for PSTET 2023 examination:
Candidates should carry the subsequent documents on the day of examination at the test centre:
- A hard copy of Admit Card downloaded from the official website.
- Anyone of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid and non-expired) – PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/Aadhaar Enrolment No/ Ration Card.
How to Download PSTET 2023 Admit Card Online?
Follow the steps to download the PSTET 2023 Admit card from Punjab School Education Board(PSEB) Official Website:
- Step 1: Navigate the official website of PSEB.
- Step 2:On the homepage, candidates will see the "PSTET 2023" button, click on it.
- Step 3:Now candidates will see the "Download PSTET 2023 Admit Card" button, click on it.
- Step 4: A new page will appear and the candidate has to enter their provided admit card and password to download the admit card:
- Step 5: The Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
- Step 6: Candidates have to download and take print of it for future refernces.
Instruction for PSTET 2023 Admit Card
Applicant must follow the instructions given below by the authority. The examination will be held at various centres in the State of Punjab.
Admit card can contain data regarding communication centre assigned to the individual candidate. They are advised to check the following instructions carefully:
- First and most important candidate must not forget to carry their admit card while going to appear in the PSTET 2023 exam.
- Candidates should check all the data mentioned within the admit card immediately.
- If there is any mistake found in the admit card then candidates must report it to the concerned authority without any delay.
- Apart from admit card, candidates also need to carry identity proof such as Voter ID card, Aadhar Card, Driving Licence etc.
- If anyone failed to carry admit card he/she will not be allowed to enter the exam centre
PSTET 2023 Result
The PSTET result 2023 will be announced online on the official website. The PSTET scorecard will be released after the releasing of the PSTET answer key. The shortlisted candidate will be notified for about the counselling session for the PSTET admission process.