ULSAT - Results
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Law Studies Aptitude Test
Computer Based Test
Updated On - April 06 2023 by Divyansh K
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies will announce its Law entrance exam result in online mode on the second week of June 2023 (tentatively).
Candidates can follow the given below steps to view and download the result of ULSAT 2023:
Click on ULSAT 2023 results and go to the candidate login
Candidates have to log-in using ULSAT 2023 application number or hall ticket number.
The result will appear on the screen.
Check the given details, download ULSAT 2023 result
Candidates are advised to take a printout of it for further admission procedure.
Before downloading the result, candidates had to check the details mentioned in the result of ULSAT 2023. Candidate must check whether the mentioned below details are present in their scorecard or not:
Name of the test-taker
Qualifying status
Marks obtained
Date of examination
Name of the course
The paper pattern of ULSAT is such that it carries 150 questions carrying one mark each. The mark evaluation scheme is as under:
After the declaration of the result, UPES University will conduct the Group Discussion and Personal Interview. The GD and PI dates are yet to be announced by the university. The qualified candidates, based on their rank obtained in the ULSAT exam will have to attend the GD and PI process of the university in person. The shortlisted candidates will receive a call letter in which venue, time and date will be mentioned. Candidates had to report to the notified venue with the required document for document verification and seat allotment process.
02 Dec 2022
09 May 2023
13 May - 15 May 2023
₹ 1,350