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SU JEE 2023 Syllabus: Download Subject wise Syllabus PDF

Updated On - March 31 2023 by Divyansh K

SU JEE 2023 Syllabus is available here in pdf format. SU JEE is also known as Sandip University Joint entrance exam is conducted by Sandip University at the university level to offer an admission of Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Engineering, Law, Pharmacy, and Management fields. The exam will be held in two sessions Engineering & Pharmacy and Law & Management. The exam will be held in both online and offline mode for Engineering & Pharmacy courses and Law & Management courses exam will be held in offline mode. Candidates can read the complete article to know more about the Sandip University 2023 application form, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, admit card, result, counselling.

SU JEE 2023 Syllabus

Applicants must check the below-mentioned information of subject-wise SU JEE 2023 Syllabus

Syllabus for Chemistry

Solid State

Classification of solids based on different binding forces: molecular, ionic covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids(elementary idea), unit cell in two dimensional and three-dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties, Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators and n and p-type semiconductors

  • Redox reactions; conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity variations of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s Law, electrolysis and laws of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell – electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells; lead accumulator, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential,
  • Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells.
  • Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, fuel cells; corrosion
Surface Chemistry  
  • Adsorption– physisorption and chemisorption; factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids
  • Catalysis: homogenous and heterogeneous, activity and selectivity enzyme catalysis
  • Colloidal state distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspensions; lyophilic, lyophobic multimolecular and macromolecular colloids
  • properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation; emulsions – types of emulsions
  • Classification– Natural and synthetic, methods of polymerization (addition and
  • condensation), copolymerization. Some important polymers: natural and synthetic like polythene, nylon, polyesters, bakelite, rubber. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements  
  • Principles and methods of extraction – concentration, oxidation, reduction electrolytic method, refining; occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminium, copper, zinc and iron

Syllabus for Mathematics

  • Complex Numbers, Algebra of complex numbers, addition, multiplication, conjugation, polar representation, properties of modulus and principal argument, triangle inequality, cube roots of unity, geometric interpretations
  • Quadratic equations with real coefficients, relations between roots and coefficients, formation of quadratic equations with given roots, symmetric functions of roots
  • Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means, sums of finite arithmetic and geometric progressions, infinite geometric series, sums of squares and cubes of the first ​'n' ​natural numbers, Mathematical induction
  • Logarithms and their properties, Exponential series
  • Permutations and combinations, Simple applications of Permutations as an arrangement and combination as selection, binomial theorem for a positive integral index, properties of binomial coefficients
  • Matrices as a rectangular array of real numbers, equality of matrices, addition, multiplication by a scalar and product of matrices, transpose of a matrix, Determinant of a square matrix of order up to three, the inverse of a square matrix of order up to three, properties of these matrix operations, diagonal, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices and their properties, solutions of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables, applications of determinants in finding the area of triangles
  • Sets, Relations and Functions, algebra of sets applications, equivalence relations, mappings, one-one, into and onto mappings, the composition of mappings, binary operation, the inverse of a function, functions of real variables like polynomial, modulus, signum and greatest integer
  • Trigonometric functions, their periodicity and graphs, addition and subtraction formulae, multiple and sub-multiple angles formulae, general solution of trigonometric equations
  • Relations between sides and angles of a triangle, sine rule, cosine rule, half-angle formula and the area of a triangle
  • Inverse trigonometric functions
Two-dimensional & Three- dimensional Coordinate Geometry
  • Two dimensions: Cartesian coordinates, the distance between two points, section formulae, the shift of
  • origin
  • Equation of a straight line in various forms, angle between two lines, a distance of a point from a line; Lines through the point of intersection of two given lines, equation of the bisector of the angle between two lines, concurrency of lines
  • Centroid, orthocentre, incentre and circumcentre of a triangle
  • Equation of a circle in various forms, equations of tangent, normal and chord. Parametric equations of a circle, the intersection of a circle with a straight line or a circle, equation of a circle through the points of intersection of two circles and those of a circle and a straight line.
  • Equations of a parabola, ellipse and hyperbola in standard form, their foci, directrices and eccentricity, parametric equations, equations of tangent and normal, Locus problems
  • Three dimensions: Direction cosines and direction ratios, equation of a straight line in space, equation of a plane, a distance of a point from a plane, condition for coplanarity of three lines, angles between two planes, angle between a line and a plane
Differential calculus
  • Real valued functions of a real variable, into, onto and one-to-one functions, sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, composite functions, absolute value, polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Limit and continuity of a function, limit and continuity of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, L’Hospital rule of evaluation of limits of functions
  • Even and odd functions, the inverse of a function, continuity of composite functions, the intermediate value property of continuous functions
  • Derivative of a function, derivative of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, chain rule, derivatives of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Derivatives of implicit functions, derivatives up to order two, geometrical interpretation of the derivative, tangents and normals, increasing and decreasing functions, maximum and minimum values of a function, Rolle’s theorem and Lagrange’s mean value theorem
Integral calculus
  • Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, indefinite integrals of standard functions, definite integrals and their properties, fundamental theorem of integral calculus
  • Integration by parts, integration by the methods of substitution and partial fractions, application of definite integrals to the determination of areas involving simple curves
  • Formation of ordinary differential equations, solution of homogeneous differential equations, separation of variables method, linear first-order differential equations
  • Direction ratio/cosines of vectors, the addition of vectors, scalar multiplication, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio
  • Dot and cross products of two vectors, projection of a vector on a line
  • Scalar triple products and their geometrical interpretations
Statistics & Probability
  • Types of data, Frequency Table, Mean, Median, Mode, Variance/Standard Deviation, Graphs
  • Addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem independence of events, computation of probability of events using permutations and combinations

Syllabus for Physics

Topic Syllabus
Circular Motion & Rotational motionAngular​ Velocity,Angular Acceleration,Relation between Linear and angular velocity,Uniform circular motion(period,frequency ,acceleration),Relation between Linear & Angular Acceleration, Centripetal & Centrifugal Forces,Equations of motion,Torque,Moment of inertia
Elasticity & Surface TensionDefinition of stress and strain (Tensile, Volume and Shearing ), Hook's Law, Young's Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Modulus of rigidity, Poisson's Ratio, cohesive force, Adhesive Force, Surface energy, Surface Tension, Angle of contact, Effect of impurities and temperature on surface tension, Rise of liquid in a capillary tube
Ray Optics and Optical InstrumentsReflection & Refraction of light by spherical surfaces & by lenses, Mirror equation, Power of a lens, Total internal reflection, Refraction & Dispersion through a Prism, Study of Optical Instruments like Eye, Microscope, Telescope
Wave theory of light

Basic Definitions (Amplitude, Period, Wavelength, Frequency, Velocity), Transverse and longitudinal wave nature, Huygens Principle, the Doppler effect, Interference of light  and Young's

Experiment, Diffraction of light, Single slit diffraction, Resolving power of optical instruments, Polarization of light

Electric Charges & FieldsBasic properties of electric charge, Coulomb's Law, Forces between multiple charges, Electric Field, Electric field lines, Electric Flux, Electric  Dipole, Gauss Law and its application
Current electricityThe electric current in conductors, Ohm's Law & It's Limitations, Drift of electrons and origin of resistivity, the temperature dependence of resistivity, Electrical Energy, Power, Combination of resistors- Series and Parallel, Cells, emf, Internal Resistance, Kirchhoff's Law, Wheatstone Bridge, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer
Magnetism &  Electromagnetic inductionMagnetization and Magnetic Intensity, Earth's Magnetism, Magnetic property of materials, Ferromagnetic, Dia- Magnetic & Paramagnetic materials, Permanent and electromagnets, Magnetic Force, Motion in a Magnetic  field and combined electric and magnetic field, Magnetic field due to the current element, Biot-Savart Law, Magnetic Flux, Faraday's Law, Lenz's law, Eddy currents
A.C CurrentsTransformer Study, Basics of AC voltage & AC current, AC voltage applied to an inductor and capacitor, AC voltage applied to Series LCR circuit, Power of AC circuits, RMS values, Resonance, LC oscillations
Semiconductor physicsValance Band, Conduction Band, Intrinsic Semiconductors, P-Type and N-Type semiconductors, Doping, P-N Diode under forward and reverse  biasing, Zener Diode, PNP & NPN Transistors, Logic gates (AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, NAND Gate, NOR Gate)
Atoms, Molecules and nucleiRutherford Model of Atom, Bohr Model of the atom, Radius of Bohr's Orbit, Hydrogen Spectrum, composition and size of nucleus, Isotopes, Isotones and Isobars, Mass energy relation, Mass Defect, Nuclear Binding energy, Radioactivity, Properties of alpha & Beta Particles and Gama Rays, Nuclear Force and Nuclear Energy

Syllabus for English and GK

●     Logical Reasoning

●     Environment

●     Reading Comprehension 

●     Grammar 

●     General Knowledge

●     Language Code

●     Analogies (relationship between words)

●     Rearrange the words and phrases to form meaningful sentences

●     Odd one out

●     Give the meaning of

●     Give one word for

●     Synonym 

●     Antonym 

●     English Literature

●     Relationship




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