
TS EDCET - Syllabus

Telangana State Education Common Entrance Test

Computer Based Test

TS EDCET 2023 Syllabus: Subject wise syllabus, Download Pdf

Updated On - April 04 2023 by Divyansh K

TS EDCET 2023 Syllabus will be released by the Osmania University (OU), Hyderabad on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education. The exam is conducted once every year at the State Level. The candidates will be enrolled in B.Ed (Two years) Regular Course in the Colleges of Education in Telangana State. Furthermore, the application form for Telangana State Education Common Entrance Candidates must read the complete article to know more about TS EDCET 2023.

TS EDCET 2023 Syllabus

Candidates can check all the important information related to TS EDCET 2023 Syllabus as per the previous year which is mentioned given below:

TS EDCET General English Syllabus(PART-A)

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Correction of Sentences, Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Spelling, Voice
  • Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms
  • Transformation of Sentences –Simple, Compound and Complex. Direct Speech and
    Indirect Speech

TS EDCET Syllabus of General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude(PART-B)

  • Question is asked to test the knowledge of candidates on general knowledge of the environment and its application to society.
  • Test knowledge of current events 
  •  Questions regarding India and its neighbouring Countries History, Culture, Geography, Ecology, Economics, General Policy and Scientific Research. 
  • Teaching aptitude to know the candidate's ability to communicate, ability to deal with Children, ability to recognize individual differences etc., apart from analytical
    thinking and general intelligence.
Candidates can also download the TS EDCET Syllabus Pdf

TS EDCET Syllabus of PART-C

Mathematics Syllabus
Topics Sub-topics
Differential calculusSuccessive Differentiation - Expansions of Functions- Mean value theorems. Indeterminate forms - Curvature and Evolutes. Partial differentiation - Homogeneous functions - Total derivative. Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables – Lagrange‘s Method of multipliers – Asymptotes - Envelopes. 
Differential Equations

Differential Equations of the first order and first degree

Higher-order linear differential equations

Partial Differential equations

Real Analysis


Sequences and Series of Functions




Cyclic Groups

Permutation Groups


Integral Domains

Linear Algebra

Vector Spaces


Orthogonality and least squares

Numerical Analysis

Solutions of Equations in One Variable

Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation

Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Physics Syllabus
Vector AnalysisMechanics of Particles
Mechanics of rigid bodiesCentral forces
Special theory of relativityFundamentals of vibrations
Damped and forced oscillationsVibrating Strings
Vibrations of barsKinetic theory of gases
ThermodynamicsThermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s equations
Low-temperature PhysicsQuantum theory of radiation
Statistical MechanicsInterference
Aberrations and Fiber OpticsElectrostatics
MagnetostaticsElectromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic wavesAtomic Spectra and Models Inadequacy of classical physics
Basic ElectronicsDigital Principle
Quantum MechanicsNuclear Physics
Solid State Physics 
Chemistry Syllabus
Atomic structure and elementary quantum mechanics Chemical Bonding
s-block elements p-block elements
d-block-elements f-block elements 
Metals Co-ordination chemistry
Stereochemistry of carbon compounds Structural Theory in Organic Chemistry
Acyclic HydrocarbonsBenzene and its reactivity 
 Arenes and Polynuclear Aromatic HydrocarbonsHydroxy compounds
 Carbonyl compounds Nitrogen compounds 
Amino acids and proteins Carbohydrates 
Heterocyclic Compounds  Gaseous State 
 Liquid State Solid-state 
Dilute Solutions & Colligative Properties Colloids& surface chemistry
Solutions Chemical Kinetics 
ThermodynamicsElectrochemistry & EMF 
PhotochemistryMolecular spectroscopy
Botany Syllabus
Microbial Diversity of Lower Plants1. General characters of Cyanobacteria Cell structure, thallus organization and their significance
as biofertilizers with special reference to Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Anabaena
2. Lichens: Structure and reproduction; ecological and economic importance.
3. Viruses: Structure, replication and transmission; plant diseases caused by viruses and their
 control with reference to Tobacco Mosaic and Rice tungro.
4. Bacteria: Structure, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance. An outline of Bacterial
the blight of Rice.
5. General account of Mycoplasma with reference to Little leaf of brinjal and Papaya leaf curl
6. General characters, structure, reproduction and classification of algae (Fritsch).
7. Structure and reproduction of Volvox, Oedogonium, Chara, Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia.
8. Economic importance of algae in Agriculture and Industry.
9. General characters and classification of fungi (Ainsworth).
10. Structure and reproduction of Albugo, Mucor, Saccharomyces, Penicillium and Puccinia
11. General account of mushroom cultivation. 
Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms 1. Structure, reproduction, life cycle and systematic position of Marchantia, Anthoceros and Polytrichum.
2. Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.
3. Structure, reproduction, life cycle and systematic position of Rhynia, Lycopodium,
 Equisetum and Marsilea.
4. Stelar evolution, heterospory and seed habit in Pteridophytes.
5. Distribution and economic importance of Gymnosperms.
6. Morphology of vegetative and reproductive parts, systematic position and life cycle of
 Pinus and Gnetum.
7. Introduction to Fossils and fossilization; Importance of fossils.
8. Geological time scale.
9. A General account on Bennettitales.
 Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Medicinal Botany

1. Salient features of Bentham & Hooker‘s and Engler & Prantle‘s classification.
2. Nomenclature and Taxonomic resources: An introduction to ICBN, Vienna code - a brief account. Concept of Herbarium.
3. Systematic study and economic importance of plants belonging to the following families: Polypetalae: Annonaceae, Capparidaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae (Faboideae/Papilionoideae, Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae), Cucurbitaceae
 Gamopetalae: Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Lamiaceae Monochalmydeae: Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Monocotyledons: Orchidaceae and Poaceae.

4. Distinction of Ethnomedicine from Folklore medicine.
5. Outlines of Ayurveda, Sidda, Unani and Homeopathic systems of traditional medicine. Role of
6. Plants in primary health care: Common medicinal plants –Tinospora cordifolia, Ocimum
 sanctum, Piper longum, Terminalia chebula, Aloe vera, Curcuma longa.
7. Study of selected plant examples used in traditional medicine as resource of active principles in
modern medicine: Structure, usage and pharmacological action of Aswagandha (Withania
somnifera), Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina), Nela usiri (Phyllanthus amarus), Amla
(Phyllanthus emblica) and Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri).

Plant Anatomy & Embryology1. Meristems: Types, histological organization of shoot and root apices and theories.
2. Tissues and Tissue Systems: Simple, complex and special tissues.
3. Leaf: Ontogeny, diversity of internal structure; stomata and epidermal outgrowths.
4. Stem and root anatomy: Vascular cambium - Formation and function.
5. Anomalous secondary growth of Stem - Achyranthes, Boerhaavia, Dracaena
6. Wood structure: General account. Study of local timbers – Teak (Tectona grandis),
 and Neem (Azadirachta indica).
7. Another structure, Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte.
8. Ovule structure and types; Megasporogenesis; types and development of female gametophyte.
9. Pollination - Types; Pollen - pistil interaction. Fertilization.
10. Endosperm - Development and types. Embryo - development and types
 Plant Physiology1. Plant-Water Relations Osmotic and pressure potentials; absorption, transport of water,
 Ascent of sap; Transpiration; Stomatal structure and movements
2. Mineral Nutrition: Essential macro and micro mineral nutrients and their role; symptoms of
 mineral deficiency.
3. Mechanism and regulation of enzyme action, factors regulating enzyme activity.
4. Photosynthetic pigments, Red drop and Emerson Enhancement effect; Mechanism of
photosynthetic electron Transport, Photophosphorylation, C3, C4 and CAM pathways.
5. Biological nitrogen fixation.
6. Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic; Glycolysis & Krebs cycle.
7. Physiological effects of phytohormones–Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ABA, ethylene and
8. Physiology of flowering and Photoperiodism.
9. Stress physiology: Concept of water, salt and temperature stresses and plant responses. 
Geography Syllabus
Topic sub-topic
Principles of Physical GeographyMajor relief features of the Earth; Mountains, plateaus and plains.
Wegner's theory of continental drift, the theory of Isostasy, Earthquakes and
Chief types of rocks and their characteristics. Weathering and Erosion.
Landforms in Fluvial, Arid, Karst, Glacial and Marine cycles.
Social and Economic GeographyDefinition, scope and objectives of Economic Geography Physical Environment and
Human activities, Concept of Resources, Types of resources, Conservation and management of resources - Distribution, Pattern and growth trends of the population in the world; Type of settlements - Urban and Rural, Trends in Urban growth
Regional Geography of IndiaLocational aspects, Major Physiographic regions, climate, drainage, soil types and
natural vegetation - pattern and growth trends of population, urbanization - Agriculture: Rice, Wheat, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Tea and Coffee - irrigation and power development in India
 Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Basics of Aerial Photography and Remote sensing, components of Remote
sensing – Energy source, Platforms, sensors, Electromagnetic radiation, spectral
Signatures, orbital characteristics of Sun-synchronous and Geostationary satellites;
Remote sensing sensors – Active and passive, sensor characteristics, Cameras, Scanners


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