JCECE 2020 Paper Pattern: Jharkhand Combined Exam Pattern

JCECE 2018 Paper Pattern
JCECE Paper Pattern

Candidates must go through the JCECE 2020 Paper Pattern to get an idea about the sections asked in the exam, the total number of questions and marking scheme. This helps in preparing for the examination effectively. A number of sample papers in the same pattern must be solved as well before appearing for the examination so as to get used to the pattern of the paper. This article talks about the paper pattern of JCECE 2020 depending upon the chosen stream.

JCECE 2020 Paper Pattern

The examination has two papers namely Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 can be held in both online as well as offline modes. The candidate needs to decide the mode he wants to appear in. The online examination is termed as computer-based examination whereas the offline examination is termed as pen and paper-based examination. Paper 1 is for admission in B.Tech/B.E. and Paper 2 is for admission into B.Arch courses.

  • Paper 1 consists of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics whereas Paper 2 consists of mathematics, aptitude test and drawing test.
  • The exam will be held according to the different subject groups selected including PCM with a total of 150 questions having 50 questions each from physics, chemistry and mathematics, PCB with a total of 150 questions having 50 questions each from physics, chemistry and biology/biotechnology, PCMB with a total of 200 questions with 50 questions each from physics, biology/biotechnology, chemistry and mathematics.
  • Type of questions will be objective and negative marking will be there as well. 1/4th mark will get deducted for every wrong answer.
  • The exam will be held for the duration of 3 hours.
  • The answer key, as well as the result, will be posted on the website as and when communicated officially by the board.

Stay tuned with EntranceZone to stay updated with information regarding JCECE 2020 Paper Pattern.

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