MP PET 2020 Counselling: Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test

MP PET 2020 Counselling
MP PET 2020 Counselling

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is responsible for conducting the MP PET 2020 Counselling. And the candidates who passed the JEE Main 2020 examination can only apply for Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test. The MP Pre Engineering Test 2020 counselling will be based on candidates JEE Score. And the Professional Examination Board (PEB), Bhopal was also known as Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal or VYAPAM.

MP PET 2020 Counselling Procedure:


Once the result is declared on the official website and your rank lies within the cut-off then you can move ahead with the counselling process. Submit your online application form so that you can register for the counselling on the official website, as all the students who register for counselling can later appear for it. After submitting the form you have to submit a sum of as registration fee. Rs. 430/-, this will confirm that you will appear for the counselling procedure.


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After successful submission of your application form, Candidates can fill the online choices as per your convenience and you have to submit a sum of Rs. 100/- in every round. This way you can confirm your online choices about the college you would like to take admission to and in which course.


During MP PET 2020 Counselling rounds, you have to keep your original certificates like admit card, domicile and various certificates with you and they can be verified by the examiner in any of the rounds. Make sure all the documents are real. Keep both the originals and their photocopies handy. Keep at least two copies of the same documents in case you lose one copy.


The seats are allotted to the candidates according to their ranks and the colleges are assigned to the candidates. Now the candidate can take admission in the allotted Colleges on time. To know more about the counselling procedure candidates can visit the official website of MP PET Counseling 2020.

Madhya Pradesh Engineering Admission Counselling:

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is responsible for MP PET 2020 Counselling. And MP “Vyapam” will conduct MP PET counselling.

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