BHU 2023 Result: Score Card, Merit List, Counselling


BHU 2023 Result will be declared tentatively in November by Banaras Hindu University after the successful conduction of UET and PET. The Result will mention marks obtained by candidates in BHU Exam 2023, the candidate’s overall merit, and merit within the category to which he/she belongs. Those who will qualify will be called for counselling for documents verification and seat allotment. To check the result of the entrance exam, read the complete article below.

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The result for the BHU UET 2023 exam has been released on July 15, 2023. Candidates can check their results on the official website of BHU,

BHU 2023 Result Dates

The candidates can check hereunder, dates for BHU UET and BHU PET 2023:

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BHU UET and PET 2023 Schedule
Important Dates
Exam date 28 September-04 October 2023, 06, 09 October 2023
Result To be announced.

BHU 2023 Result

The details regarding the BHU Result 2023 are given below:

  • Those candidates who appeared in the entrance exam can download their result from the official website i.e
  • The students can check their result through online mode only.
  • The result will be published by Banaras Hindu University. The university will also set the cut off marks for different courses or different categories.
  • The performance of candidates in the entrance exams determines their position in the merit list. And on this basis, they are offered a merit list.
  • There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in entrance tests for all courses. And unattempted questions will be given zero ( 0 ) marks.
  • Section-wise Marks
  • Overall Marks
  • Rank Secured by the Candidate (category-wise)
  • Qualifying Status
  • Candidate’s Name
  • Candidate Roll Number

How to check BHU 2023 Result?

The steps to check the BHU 2023 Result are given below:

  • First of all, candidates have to visit the official website of the university.
  • Secondly, click on the BHU 2023 Result link. A new page will appear on the screen.
  • Candidates have to enter their Roll Number and click on the search button.
  • After entering their roll no, the scorecard will be displayed on the screen.
  • The candidate will have to download their scorecard and save it for further use.

After the result declaration, a separate BHU merit list 2023 will be prepared by the university for the appeared candidates in the examination. The university will release the category wise merit list. Candidates are suggested to take printouts of the result for future use. The university will release the merit list for each course separately.

Candidates will be selected in order of merit list on the basis of total marks secured in the examination along with minimum qualifying marks.

BHU UET 2023 Tie-Breaking Criteria

If two or more candidates sores the same number of marks, then, the following given criteria is followed.

  • First preference will be given to the candidates who have higher aggregate marks in the qualifying examination. The candidates who gave the B.Sc (Hons.) and B.Sc (Hons.) Ag. the exams their aggregate marks in science is considered.
  • If the tie still persists, then, the candidate who is older in age will be given preference.

BHU PET 2023 Inter Se Ranking

If there is an equal index in PET (All Courses), the following criteria is to be followed:

  • The candidates with a higher aggregate of percentage marks at the qualifying examination will be given first preference.
  • If the tie still exist, then preference shall be given to a candidate who has higher marks in the concerned subject (wherever applicable).
  • In case, the candidates have equal marks after the above-stated criteria also, then the candidate senior in age will be given preference.

BHU 2023 Counselling

The details regarding the BHU Counselling 2023 are given below:

  • After the announcement of the results, candidates can download their call letter online for the counselling procedure.
  • counselling will be done on the basis of marks secured in the examination. The counselling will be done through online mode.
  • At the time of counselling, candidates have to select courses of choice as per their personal preferences or choices.
  • On the basis of merit availability of seats in University, the seats will be allotted to the candidates.
  • The Counselling will be conducted in the first week of July 2023(tentative). The candidates who have qualified in the written exam will be called for the counselling rounds. The admissions of students will be provided on a merit basis and the availability of the seats. result online form 2023 bhu 2023 bhu online bhu exam date 2023 bhu pet admit card 2023 2023 answer key bhu admit card 2023 bhu uet

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


  1. Sir,I got 98 marks and for 931 and general female 608 n EWS 142 in msc biochemistry do I’m eligible to get seat inbiochemistry in msc


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