BITSAT Question Paper Analysis: Subject wise Weightage, Difficulty Level


BITSAT Question Paper Analysis: BITSAT 2020 exam will be held between the third to last week of May 2020. BITS Admission Test is a national level entrance exam conducted by the Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani. This exam is organised to offer admission to various Integrated First Degree Programmes at Pilani campus, Goa Campus and Hyderabad Campus of BITS.

BITSAT Question Paper Analysis

BITS Admission Test will be conducted across 50 cities all over India and Dubai. The weightage of questions from class 12 will be higher than that of questions from class 11 syllabus.

  • As per the analysis, physics was the toughest and time-consuming section of the exam.
  • Most of the questions were application and concept based in the Chemistry section.
  • Mathematics section had most of the questions from class 11 syllabus prescribed by the CBSE.

BITSAT Subject Wise Analysis

As per the analysis, it is found that the BITS Admission Test question paper is balanced with the easy, moderate and difficulty level of questions. Candidates who had prepared and revised all the topics well and properly will clear the exam with a better score.

Subject-wise distribution of questions from the syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 is given below:

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  • Physics section had 19 questions from class 11 and 21 questions from class 12 syllabus.
  • Chemistry section had 17 questions from class 11 and 23 questions from class 12 syllabus, in which topics from Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry dominated the section.
  • Mathematics section had 25 questions from class 11 and 15 questions from class 12 syllabus which is slightly imbalanced.

BITSAT Level of Difficulty

BITS Admission Test seems to have a moderate level of difficulty and the weightage of marks was almost same for class 11 and class 12 syllabus.

Distribution of total of 450 marks  as per the difficulty level of questions in BITSAT is as follow:

  • 36 questions worth 108 marks were easy.
  • 55 questions worth 165 marks were moderate.
  • Remaining 32 questions worth 102 marks were from the difficult section.

The difficulty level of questions of PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) is provided below:

BITSAT Difficulty Level Chart
Subject Easy Moderate Difficult
Physics 9 16 15
Chemistry 13 18 9
Mathematics 14 21 10
TOTAL 36 55 34

BITSAT Question Paper Analysis for Physics

Chapter-wise weightage of Physics section in BITSAT is given below:

BITSAT Chapter-wise weightage
Chapter Syllabus No. of Questions Difficulty Level
Electricity and Magnetism Class 12 15 Moderate
Heat and Thermodynamics Class 11 4 Difficult
Mechanics Class 11 11 Moderate
Modern Physics Class 12 4 Easy
Optics Class 12 4 Moderate
SHM & Waves Class 11 2 Difficult

Among all four sections of the BITSAT exam, Physics section was the toughest. It had 40 questions and each question carry 3 marks.

Distribution of marks in Physics section across Units and Topics is given in a table below:

BITSAT Marks Distribution of Physics
Chapter Sub-Topics No. of Question Total Marks
Electricity and Magnetism Current Electricity 5 15
Electromagnetic Field 4 12
E.M.I 3 9
Electrostatic 3 9
Heat and Thermodynamics Heat transfer 2 6
Thermodynamics 2 6
Mechanics Kinematics 2 3
Friction 1 3
Work Power Energy 2 6
Center of Mass 1 3
Fluid Mechanics& Properties of Matter 2 6
Projectile Motion 1 3
Rigid Body Dynamic 2 6
Modern Physics Modern Physics 3 9
Semi-conductor 1 3
Optics Ray Optics 2 6
Wave Optics 2 6
SHM & Waves SHM 2 6
String Waves and Sound Wave 2 6
Total 40 120

The candidates can refer to the above table to check the marks allotted to each topic from Physics subject.

BITSAT Question Paper Analysis for Chemistry

The difficulty level of this section was between easy to moderate. Chapter-wise weightage of Chemistry section in BITSAT is provided in the table:

Topic Syllabus No. of Questions Difficulty
Inorganic Chemistry-1 Class 11 2 Easy
Organic Chemistry-1 Class 11 5 Moderate
Physical Chemistry-1 Class 11 10 Moderate
Inorganic Chemistry-2 Class 12 6 Easy
Organic Chemistry-2 Class 12 9 Difficult
Physical Chemistry-2 Class 12 8 Moderate
  • This section had a total of 40 questions carrying 3 marks each.
  • Out of 40 questions, 18 questions were of moderate level and rest 13 were easy.

Distribution of marks in Chemistry section across Units and Topics is given in a table below:

BITSAT Marks Distribution of Chemistry
Chapter Topic No. of Questions Total Marks
Inorganic Chemistry-1 Chemical Bonding 1 3
Periodic Table& Periodicity 1 3
Inorganic Chemistry-2 D-Block& F Block 2 6
Co-Ordination Compounds 2 6
Qualitative Analysis 2 6
Organic Chemistry-1 General Organic Chemistry 3 9
Hydrocarbons 2 6
Organic Chemistry-2 Alkyl Halide, Alcohol& Ether, Carbohydrate, Amino Acids & Polymers 3 9
Aldehyde & Ketone 1 3
Practical Organic Chemistry 1 3
Biomolecules 2 6
Chemistry in Everyday Life 2 6
Physical Chemistry-1 Atomic Structure 2 6
Gaseous State 2 6
Ionic Equilibrium 2 6
Thermodynamic & Thermochemistry 2 6
Ionic Equilibrium 2 6
Physical Chemistry-2 Chemical Kinetic 2 6
Electrochemistry 3 9
Solid State 2 6
Redox Reactions 1 3
Total 40 120

The candidates can refer to the above table to check the marks allotted to each topic from Chemistry.

BITSAT Question Paper Analysis for Mathematics

This section of BITSAT was moderate on the scale of level of difficulty of the exam. Chapter-wise weightage of Mathematics section is given below:

BITSAT Maths weightage
Topic Syllabus No. of questions Difficulty
Circles Class 12 4 Moderate
Straight Lines & Pair of Straight lines Class 12 2 Difficult
Continuity & Differentiability Class 12 2 Difficult
Theory of Equation Class 11 2 Easy
Binomial Theorem Class 11 2 Moderate
Sets, Relations & Functions Class 11 2 Easy
Properties of Triangles Class 11 1 Difficult
Trigonometric Ratios & Identities Class 11 2 Easy
Trigonometric Equations Class 11 2 Easy
Probability Class 11 2 Easy
Matrices & Determinants Class 11 3 Moderate
Application of Derivatives Class 12 7 Moderate
Permutations & Combinations Class 11 3 Easy
Parabola Class 11 2 Difficult
Sequence & Series Class 11 4 Moderate
Inverse Trigonometry Class 11 1 Difficult
Limits & Differential Coefficient Class 11 2 Difficult
Statistics Class 11 1 Easy
Complex Numbers Class 11 1 Moderate

Distribution of marks in Mathematics section across Units and Topics is given in a table below:

BITSAT Marks Distribution of Mathematics
Topic No. of questions Total Marks
Circles 4 12
Straight Lines & Pair of Straight lines 2 6
Continuity & Differentiability 2 6
Theory of Equation 2 6
Binomial Theorem 2 6
Sets, Relations & Functions 2 6
Properties of Triangles 1 3
Trigonometric Ratios & Identities 2 6
Trigonometric Equations 2 6
Probability 2 6
Matrices Determinants 3 9
Application of Derivatives 7 21
Permutations & Combinations 3 9
Parabola 2 6
Sequence & Series 4 12
Inverse Trigonometry 1 3
Limits & Differential Coefficient 2 6
Statistics 1 3
Complex Numbers 1 3
 Total 45 135

This section covers more topics from class 11 syllabus than that of class 12 syllabus and most questions are of moderate level in this section.

BITSAT Paper Analysis for English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning

The total number of questions asked in this section are 25 out of which 15 questions were from English Proficiency and rest 10 questions were from Logical Reasoning.

BITSAT Paper Analysis for English Proficiency

Distribution of marks in English Proficiency section across Topics is given in a table below:

BITSAT Marks Distribution of English Proficiency
Topic No. of questions Marks
Synonyms & Antonyms 2 6
Comprehension 4 12
Collective Nouns 2 6
Grammar 2 6
Total 10 30

BITSAT Paper Analysis for Logical Reasoning

Distribution of marks in the Logical Reasoning section across Topics is given in a table below:

BITSAT Marks Distribution of Logical Reasoning
Topic No. of questions Marks
Figure Completion & Analysis 4 12
Completing a sequence 2 8
Questions on Family tree 2 8
Numbers & Alphabetical Series Test 2 8
Logical Deduction 4 16
Rule Detection 1 4
Total 15 60

BITSAT 2020 Syllabus will be declared by BITS, Pilani. The candidates can refer to the official website of BITS, Pilani for the detailed syllabus.