Assam Polytechnic Syllabus 2021: PAT Syllabus PDF


Assam Polytechnic Syllabus 2021 has been released by Directorate of Technical Education, Assam. The topics are covered from X std from Maths, Science, GK & English subjects. The candidates must prepare to refer to the syllabus as it saves time for more and more practice. The exam is scheduled to be held on 25 July 2021.

Assam PAT Syllabus can be checked here.

Assam Polytechnic (PAT) 2021 Syllabus

Assam Polytechnic (PAT) Syllabus has been published on the website via online mode. Candidates are advised to study from 10thlevel topics from subjects as Science, Mathematics and English. Some of the topics from each subject will be as:

  • Science: topics will be from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology subjects.
  • Mathematics: It will consist of topics as Arithmetic’s, Matrices, Sets & Functions, Trigonometry and many others.
  • English: It will include topics as Grammar & Command of Language.
  • General Knowledge: Topics under G.K will be as Indian Constitution, India & its neighbouring countries, scientific reservation, etc.

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