Class 2 NCERT Books: Download Maths, English & Hindi PDF


Class 2 NCERT Books for all the subjects are available here for free download in pdf format. The NCERT Class 2 books are created for students of a young age. The books include graded exercises, poems, stories, with its help the students understand the concepts in a  better way. The NCERT textbooks are prescribed according to the updated syllabus prescribed by the CBSE Board. They help students in self-learning. Furthermore, the Class 2 NCERT textbook solutions consist of colourful pictures, whilst aiming to make the learning process more interesting as well as interactive. Moreover, for Maths, the NCERT textbook consists of expressive illustrations in order to explain students mathematical concepts so that they remember it easily.

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NCERT Books For Class 2 Maths – Download Free PDF


Some of the topics students will be taught in Class 2 Maths subject are Shapes and Space, Counting in Groups, Counting in Tens, Pattern, etc. Few of the topics mentioned in the textbook will familiarize students with counting, patterns, weights, etc. so that they get the basic knowledge of the concepts which will be taught in higher classes. So, to help students in achieving the same, we have provided a unit wise pdf link of NCERT Books for Class 2 Maths.

Download Class 2 NCERT Maths Book PDF

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NCERT Books for Class 2 Maths – English
Chapter 1: What is Long, What is Round?
Chapter 2: Counting in Groups
Chapter 3: How Much Can You Carry?
Chapter 4: Counting in Tens
Chapter 5: Patterns
Chapter 6: Footprints
Chapter 7: Jugs and Mugs
Chapter 8: Tens and Ones
Chapter 9: My Funday
Chapter 10: Add our Points
Chapter 11: Lines and Lines
Chapter 12: Give and Take
Chapter 13: The Longest Step
Chapter 14: Birds Come, Birds Go
Chapter 15: How Many Ponytails
NCERT Books for Class 2 Maths – Hindi
Chapter 1: क्या है लंबा, क्या है गोल?
Chapter 2: गिनो मगर समूह में
Chapter 3: तुम कितना वज़न उठा सकते हो?
Chapter 4: दस-दस में गिनो
Chapter 5: पैटर्न
Chapter 6: पैरों के निशान
Chapter 7: जग और मग
Chapter 8: करो मज़े – दस के साथ
Chapter 9: मज़ेदार दिन
Chapter 10: अंक जोड़ो
Chapter 11: रेखाएँ ही रेखाएँ
Chapter 12: लेना और देना
Chapter 13: सबसे लंबा कदम
Chapter 14: आते पक्षी जाते पक्षी
Chapter 15: कितनी चोटी हैं?

NCERT Books For Class 2 English – Download Free PDF

The Class 2 NCERT Marigold textbook consists of topics such as First Day at School, Haldi’s Adventure, I am Lucky!, I Want, A Smile, The Wind and the Sun etc. Since,  the final exam would be asked from all these topics mentioned in the textbook, therefore all the mentioned chapter topics should be studied, understood and remembered thoroughly by the students. Furthermore, we have provided below the unit wise PDF of NCERT Solutions for English textbook Marigold for Class 2.

Download Class 2 NCERT Marigold English Book PDF

NCERT Books Marigold for Class 2 Chapter Wise PDF
Chapter 1: First Day at School and Haldi’s Adventure
Chapter 2: I am Lucky! And I Want
Chapter 3: A Smile and The Wind and the Sun
Chapter 4: Rain and Storm in the Garden
Chapter 5: Zoo Manners and Funny Bunny
Chapter 6: Mr. Nobody and Curlylocks and the Three Bears
Chapter 7: On My Blackboard I can Draw and Make it Shorter
Chapter 8: I am the Music Man and The Mumbai Musicians
Chapter 9: Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair and The Magic Porridge Pot
Chapter 10: Strange Talk and The Grasshopper and the Ant

NCERT Books Raindrops for Class 2 Chapter Wise PDF

The Class 2 NCERT Raindrops textbooks consists of topics like Action Song (Poem), Our Day, My Family, etc. Since, the questions will be asked from the chapters mentioned below, therefore, the students must work hard on these topics as the. Furthermore, if the students are thorough with all the chapters they can easily write the English exam with full confidence and thereby fetch excellent marks.

Download PDF of Class 2 Raindrops English Book

NCERT Books Raindrops for Class 2 Chapter Wise PDF
Chapter 1: Action Song (Poem)
Chapter 2:Our Day
Chapter 3: My Family
Chapter 4: What’s Going On?
Chapter 5: Mohan, The Potter
Chapter 6: Rain in Summer (Poem)
Chapter 7: My Village
Chapter 8: The Work People Do
Chapter 9: Work (Poem)
Chapter 10: Our National Symbols
Chapter 11: The Festivals of India
Chapter 12: The Monkey and The Elephant
Chapter 13: Going to the Fair
Chapter 14: Colours (Poem)
Chapter 15: Sikkim

NCERT Books For Class 2 Hindi – Download Free PDF

The NCERT books for Class 2 Hindi comprises a total of 15 chapters. The students must refer to the Hindi textbook whilst preparing for the class 2 exam as well as the final question paper because it will be created as per the prescribed syllabus. Furthermore, having an in-depth knowledge of all the chapters will help students in scoring well in the exam. With the textbook, the students can build a strong foundation in the subject. Also, there are exercises mentioned at the end of each chapter that are engaging and entertaining & help the student in scoring well.

Furthermore, the NCERT Solutions for  Class 2 Hindi are developed by experienced professionals. They consist of various fun-filled activities which aid students in understanding complex concepts. Therefore, the students who want to score well in the class 1 exams can get details about the NCERT textbooks from the table below:

Download Class 2 NCERT Hindi Book PDF

NCERT Book for Class 2 Hindi Chapter wise PDF
Chapter 1: ऊँट चला
Chapter 2: भालू ने खेली फुटबॉल
Chapter 3: म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ !!
Chapter 4: अधिक बलवान कौन?
Chapter 5: दोस्त की मदद
Chapter 6: बहुत हुआ
Chapter 7: मेरी किताब
Chapter 8: तितली और कली
Chapter 9:बुलबुल
Chapter 10: मीठी सारंगी
Chapter 11: टेसू राजा बीच बाजार
Chapter 12: बस के नीचे बाघ
Chapter 13: सूरज जल्दी आना जी
Chapter 14: नटखट चूहा
Chapter 15: एक्की-दोक्की

Importance & Benefits of Class 2 NCERT Books 

In class 2, the children become experienced writers, readers & Maths experts by developing their skills in more complex and comprehensive ways. In Class 2 students start reading more complicated and bigger books, they also start writing in-depth and long answers, and are educated more about the concepts behind certain math skills. Furthermore, the students are engaged with projects which involve research as well as critical thinking, individually & in groups and thereafter they share their learning information via writing and speaking. Furthermore, Class 2 students learn more complicated words in the form of genres such as fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Just as in Class1, Class 2 students are continuously practising reading since they require to use texts for other subjects.

Class 2 NCERT Books FAQs

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 2 NCERT Maths Book?

Ans: There are a total of 15 chapters in NCERT Class 2 Maths Book.

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 2 NCERT English Book?

Ans: There are a total of 10 chapters in Marigold & 15 chapters in Raindrops NCERT Class 2 English Book.

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 2 NCERT Hindi Book?

Ans: There are a total of 15 chapters in NCERT Class 2 Hindi Book.

Q. Why is it important to download the Class 2 NCERT Books?

Ans: It is imperative for students to download the NCERT Books because the books include graded exercises, poems, stories & with its help the students understand the concepts in a  better way. He books aids in student’s self-learning as well.

NCERT Books All Class- Download Link

NCERT books  for all subjects from classes 1 to 12 are given in the pdf links below:

Class 1 NCERT Books Class 5 NCERT Books Class 9 NCERT Books
Class 2 NCERT Books Class 6 NCERT Books Class 10 NCERT Books
Class 3 NCERT Books Class 7 NCERT Books Class 11 NCERT Books
Class 4 NCERT Books Class 8 NCERT Books Class 12 NCERT Books

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