Class 11 NCERT Books: Download Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, Economics PDF


Class 11 NCERT Books are developed & published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). It is an autonomous organization that helps whilst advising & assisting qualitative improvements among school students in their education. Furthermore, it also supports state as well as the central governments on their educational policies. Therefore, the CBSE school curriculum, as well as state board, follow NCERT books for Class 11 for curriculum. Hence, we have provided the links to download  Class 11 NCERT Books PDFs for Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Statistics, Business Studies & Accountancy in the article. Read to know more.

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Class 11 NCERT Physics Books – Chapter wise Details


We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

Class 11 NCERT Physics Books Chapter Wise Details
Physics Chapters in English Physics Chapters in Hindi
Chapter 1 – Physical World अध्याय 1 भौतिक जगत
Chapter 2 – Units and Measurement अध्याय 2 मातक और मापन
Chapter 3- Motion in a Straight Line अध्याय 3 सरल रखा में गति
Chapter 4- Motion in a Plane अध्याय 4 समतल में गति
Chapter 5- Laws of Motion अध्याय 5 गति में नियम
Chapter 6- Work, Energy and Power अध्याय 6 कार्य ऊर्जा और शक्ति
Chapter 7- Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion अध्याय 7 कणो के निकाय तथा धूणी गति
Chapter 8- Gravitation अध्याय 8 गुरुत्वाकषण
Chapter 9- Mechanical Properties of Solids अध्याय 9 ठोसों के यांत्रिक गुण
Chapter 10- Mechanical Properties of Fluids अध्याय 10 तरलो के यांत्रिक गुण
Chapter 11- Thermal Properties of Matter अध्याय 11 द्रव्य के तापीय गुण
Chapter 12- Thermodynamics अध्याय 12 ऊष्मागतिकी
Chapter 13- Kinetic Theory अध्याय 13 अणुगति सिद्धांत
Chapter 14- Oscillations अध्याय 14 दोलन
Chapter 15- Waves अध्याय 15 तरंगे


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Class 11 NCERT Physics Books PDF

NCERT Class 11 Physics Part 1 Book               

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ भौतिकी भाग 1

NCERT Class 11 Physics Part 2 Book               

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ भौतिकी भाग २

Class 11 NCERT Chemistry Books -Chapter wise

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.   

Class 11 NCERT Chemistry Books Chapter Wise Details
Chemistry Chapters in English Chemistry Chapters in Hindi
Unit 1- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry एकक 1 रसायन विज्ञान की वुफछ मूल अवधरणाए
Unit 2- Structure of Atom एकक 2 परमाणु की संरचना
Unit 3- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties एकक 3 तत्वों का वर्गीकरण एवं गुणधर्मों में आव£तता
Unit 4- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure एकक 4 रासायनिक आबंधन तथा आण्विक संरचना
Unit 5- States of Matter एकक 5 द्रव्य की अवस्थाए
Unit 6- Thermodynamics एकक 6 ऊष्मागतिकी
Unit 7- Equilibrium एकक 7 साम्यावस्था
Unit 8- Redox Reactions एकक 8 अपचयोपचय अभिक्रियाए
Unit 9- Hydrogen एकक 9 हाइड्रोजन
Unit 10-The s-block Elements एकक 10 एस.ब्लॉक तत्व
Unit 11- The p-Block Elements एकक 11 पी ब्लॉक तत्व
Unit 12 – Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques एकक 12 कार्बनिक रसायन: वुफछ आधरभूत सिद्धांत तथा तकनीके
Unit 13- Hydrocarbons एकक 13 हाइड्रोकार्बन
Unit 14 – Environmental Chemistry एकक 14 पर्यावरणीय रसायन


Class 11 NCERT Chemistry Books PDF

NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part 1 Book              

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ रसायन विज्ञान भाग 1

NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part 2 Book             

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ रसायन विज्ञान भाग २

Class 11 NCERT Maths Book -Chapter wise

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

Class 11 NCERT Mathematics Books Chapter Wise Details
Chapter 1: Sets अध्याय 1: समुच्चय
Chapter 2: Relations and Functions अध्याय 2: संबंध एवं फलन
Chapter 3: Trigonometric Functions अध्याय 3: त्रिकोणमितीय फलन
Chapter 4: Principle of Mathematical Induction अध्याय 4: गणितीय आगमन का सिद्धांत
Chapter 5: Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations अध्याय 5: सम्मिश्र संख्याएँ और द्विघातीय समीकरण
Chapter 6: Linear Inequalities अध्याय 6: रैखिक असामिकाएँ
Chapter 7: Permutations and Combinations अध्याय 7: क्रमचय और संचय
Chapter 8: Binomial Theorem अध्याय 8: द्विपद प्रमेय
Chapter 9: Sequences and Series अध्याय 9: अनुक्रम तथा श्रेणी
Chapter 10: Straight Lines अध्याय 10: सरल रेखाएँ
Chapter 11: Conic Sections अध्याय 11: शंकु परिच्छेद
Chapter 12: Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry अध्याय 12: त्रिविमीय ज्यामिति का परिचय
Chapter 13: Limits and Derivatives अध्याय 13: सीमा और अवकलज
Chapter 14: Mathematical Reasoning अध्याय 14: गणितीय विवेचन
Chapter 15: Statistics अध्याय 15: सांख्यिकी
Chapter 16: Probability अध्याय 16: प्रायिकता


Class 11 NCERT Math Books

NCERT Class 11 Maths Book                                  

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ गणित

Class 11 NCERT Biology Book -Chapter wise

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.              

Class 11 NCERT Biology Books Chapter Wise Details
Chapter 1: The Living World अध्याय 1: जीव जगत
Chapter 2: Biological Classification अध्याय 2: जीव जगत का वर्गीकरण
Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom अध्याय 3: वनस्पति जगत
Chapter 4: Animal Kingdom अध्याय 4: प्राणि जगत
Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants अध्याय 5: पुष्पी पादपों की आकारिकी
Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants अध्याय 6: पुष्पी पादपों का शरीर
Chapter 7: Structural Organisation in Animals अध्याय 7: प्राणियों में संरचनात्मक संगठन
Chapter 8: Cell: The Unit of Life अध्याय 8: कोशिका: जीवन की इकाई
Chapter 9: Biomolecules अध्याय 9: जैव अणु
Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division अध्याय 10: कोशिका चक्र और कोशिका विभाजन
Chapter 11: Transport in Plants अध्याय 11: पौधों में परिवहन
Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition अध्याय 12: खनिज पोषण
Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants अध्याय 13: उच्च पादपों में प्रकाश संश्लेषण
Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants अध्याय 14: पादप में शवसन
Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development अध्याय 15: पादप वृद्धि एवं परिवर्धन
Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption अध्याय 16: पाचन एवं अवशोषण
Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases अध्याय 17: शवासन और गैसों का विनिमय
Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation अध्याय 18: शरीर द्रव तथा परिसंचरण
Chapter 19: Excretory Products and their Elimination अध्याय 19: उत्सर्जी उत्पाद एवं उनका निष्कासन
Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement अध्याय 20: गमन एवं संचलन
Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination अध्याय 21: तंत्रकीय नियंत्रण एवं समन्वय
Chapter 22: Chemical Coordination and Integration अध्याय 22: रासायनिक समन्वय तथा एकीकरण


Class 11 NCERT Biology Books PDF

NCERT Class 11 Biology Book                              

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ जीवविज्ञान

Class 11 NCERT Economics Book in English

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.   

Class 11 NCERT Economics Books Details
NCERT Books for Class 11 Economics
Chapter 1: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
Chapter 2: Indian Economy (1950 – 1990)
Chapter 3: Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation: An Appraisal
Chapter 4: Poverty
Chapter 5: Human Capital Formation In India
Chapter 6: Rural Development
Chapter 7: Employment Growth, Informalisation and Other Issues
Chapter 8: Infrastructure
Chapter 9: Environment And Sustainable Development
Chapter 10: Comparative development Experiences Of India and Its Neighbors


NCERT Class 11 Economics Books PDF

NCERT Indian Economic Development

Class 11 NCERT Economics Book in Hindi

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Economics
Chapter 1: स्वतंत्रता के पूर्व संध्या पर भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था
Chapter 2: भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था (1950-90)
Chapter 3: उदारीकरण, निजीकरण और वैशवीकरण: एक समीक्षा
Chapter 4: निर्धनता
Chapter 5: भारत में मानव पूंजी का निर्माण
Chapter 6: ग्रामीण विकास
Chapter 7: रोजगार संवृद्धि अनौपचारीकरण अवं अन्य मुद्दे
Chapter 8: आधारिक संरचना
Chapter 9: पर्यावरण और धारणीय विकास
Chapter 10: भारत और उसके पड़ोसी देशो के तुलनात्मक विकास अनुभव


NCERT Books for Class 11 Economics Books PDF

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का विकास

Class 11 NCERT Accountancy Book in English

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Part 1
Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting
Chapter 2: Theory Base of Accounting
Chapter 3: Recording of Transactions – I
Chapter 4: Recording of Transactions – II
Chapter 5: Bank Reconciliation Statement
Chapter 6: Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors
Chapter 7: Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
Chapter 8: Bill of Exchange


NCERT Books for Class 11 Financial Accountancy Part 1

NCERT Financial Accounting- 1

Class 11 NCERT Accountancy Book in English

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Part 2
Chapter 9: Financial Statements – I
Chapter 10: Financial Statements – II
Chapter 11: Accounts from Incomplete Records
Chapter 12: Applications of Computers in Accounting
Chapter 13: Computerised Accounting System


NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Part 2 PDF

NCERT Accountancy- 2

Class 11 NCERT Accountancy Book in Hindi

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Part 1 Chapter Details
Chapter 1: लेखांकन-एक परिचय
Chapter 2: लेखांकन के सैद्धांतिक आधार
Chapter 3: लेन-देनो का अभिलेखन-1
Chapter 4: लेन-देनो का अभिलेखन-2
Chapter 5: बैंक समाधान विवरण
Chapter 6: तलपट एवं अशुद्धियों का शोधन
Chapter 7: हर्स, प्रावधान और संचय
Chapter 8: विनियम विपत्र


NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Hindi Book Part 1 PDF

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ लेखाशास्त्र भाग 1

Class 11 NCERT Accountancy Book 2 in Hindi

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Part 2 in Hindi
Chapter 9: वित्तीय विवरण – 1
Chapter 10: वित्तीय विवरण – 2
Chapter 11: अपूर्ण अभिलेखों से खाते
Chapter 12: लेखांकन में कम्प्यूटर का अनुप्रयोग
Chapter 13: कम्प्यूटरीकृत लेखांकन प्रणाली


NCERT Books for Class 11 Accountancy Part 2 (Hindi Version) PDF

एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ लेखाशास्त्र भाग २

Class 11 NCERT Statistics Book in English

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Statistics Books In English
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Collection of Data
Chapter 3: Organisation of Data
Chapter 4: Presentation of Data
Chapter 5: Measures of Central Tendency
Chapter 6: Measures of Dispersion
Chapter 7: Correlation
Chapter 8: Index Numbers
Chapter 9: Use of Statistical Tools


NCERT Books for Class 11 Statistics Books (English Version) PDF

NCERT Book for Class 11 Statistics (English)

Class 11 NCERT Statistics Book in Hindi

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Statistics in Hindi
Chapter 1: परिचय
Chapter 2: आकड़ो का संग्रह
Chapter 3: आकड़ो का संगठन
Chapter 4: आकड़ो का प्रस्तुतीकरण
Chapter 5: केंद्रीय प्रवति की माप
Chapter 6: परिक्षेपण के माप
Chapter 7: सहसंबंध
Chapter 8: सूचकांक
Chapter 9: सांख्यि

कीय विधियों के उपयोग

Download NCERT Book for Class 11 Statistics (Hindi)

Class 11 NCERT Business Studies Book in English

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Business Studies (English Version)
Chapter 1: Business, Trade and Commerce
Chapter 2: Forms of Business Organisation
Chapter 3: Private, Public and Global Enterprises 5
Chapter 4: Business Services
Chapter 5: Emerging Modes of Business
Chapter 6: Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics
Chapter 7: Formation of a Company
Chapter 8: Sources of Business Finance
Chapter 9: Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Chapter 10: Internal Trade
Chapter 11: International Business


Download NCERT Business Studie PDF

Chapter-wise NCERT Business Studies Book for Class 11 in Hindi

We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Business Studies (Hindi Version)
Chapter 1: व्यवसाय, व्यापार और वाणिज्य
Chapter 2: व्यावसायिक संगठन के स्वरुप
Chapter 3: निजी, सार्वजानिक एवं भूमंडलीय उपक्रम
Chapter 4: व्यावसायिक सेवाएँ
Chapter 5: व्यवसाय की उभरती पद्यतियाँ
Chapter 6: व्यवसाय का सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व एवं व्यावसायिक नैतिकता
Chapter 7: कंपनी निर्माण
Chapter 8: व्यावसायिक वित्त के स्रोत
Chapter 9: लघु व्यवसाय एवं उघमिता
Chapter 10: आंतरिक व्यापार
Chapter 11: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार

Download एन सी ई आर टी कक्षा ११ व्यवसाय अध्ययन

Importance of Class 11 NCERT Books

Class 11 NCERT Books are considered easy for understanding concepts that are compiled for the class 11 school students. Therefore, NCERT books for Class 11 in PDF format for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies & Statistics are provided. Furthermore, the students can also solve the questions present in these NCERT Textbook Class 11 with the help of NCERT Syllabus for Class 11. 

Moreover, the students face a lot of difficulties whilst learning and preparing for the various subjects, especially the complex &  complicated subjects such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry. As these subjects are incredibly diverse & interesting in their nature, they have their own set of problems such as numerical. Therefore, the only way a student can get mastery over the subjects & prepare for the exam is by practising and preparing for the class 11 exams is by referring through NCERT books as well as the syllabus.

Class 11 NCERT Books FAQs

Q. How many chapters are there in the Class 11 NCERT Maths Book?

Ans: There are a total of 16 chapters in NCERT Class 11 Maths Book.

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 11 NCERT Physics Book?

Ans: There are 15 Chapters in 11 NCERT Physics Books.

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 11 NCERT Chemistry Book?

Ans: There are 14 Chapters in the Chemistry NCERT Book For Class 11.

Q. How many chapters are there in the Class 11 NCERT Biology Book?

Ans: There are a total of 22 chapters in NCERT Class 11 NCERT Biology Book.

Q. Why is it important to download the Class 11 NCERT Books?

Ans: It is imperative for students to download the NCERT Books because the CBSE school curriculum, as well as state board, follow NCERT books for Class 11 for the curriculum.

Q.Which is the best reference guide for Class 11 exam preparation?

Ans: The NCERT books are the best reference material for preparing for the CBSE board exam.The subject matter experts have analyzed and solved the questions from every section. Furthermore,  to help students get an optimal result in their board examination these books are completely based on the exam-oriented approach. Moreover, studying from these books helps ensure students that they excel in their final exams with ease. Subsequently,, after completing the textbook questions, the students can then move on to sample papers and solve previous year question papers in order to get  a better idea of the class 11 exam pattern.

Q.Where can I access NCERT Books for Class 11?

Ans: The NCERT Books can be referred both online here from the article itself. Furthermore, the expert subject matter experts and tutors have provided detailed answers for all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook for Class 11 after conducting thorough research on the concepts as per the latest guidelines prescribed by CBSE.

Q. Where can I get correct solutions for Class 11 NCERT Books?

Ans: The students, as well as the teachers, can access NCERT Book solutions from our official website. Furthermore, we have provided a wide range of study materials like textbooks, reference books, sample papers etc. The Class 11 NCERT solutions are prepared with the utmost care by subject matter experts in order to help students understand the concepts easily and thereby score well in their class 11 exams.

NCERT Books All Class- Download Link

NCERT books  for all subjects from classes 1 to 12 are given in the pdf links below:

NCERT Textbooks (Class 1 to 12) PDF Download
Class 1 NCERT Books Class 5 NCERT Books Class 9 NCERT Books
Class 2 NCERT Books Class 6 NCERT Books Class 10 NCERT Books
Class 3 NCERT Books Class 7 NCERT Books Class 11 NCERT Books
Class 4 NCERT Books Class 8 NCERT Books Class 12 NCERT Books

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