Bennett University Youth and Truth Campaign and Pre-Event Bustle

Sadhguru at Bennett University
Sadhguru at Bennett University

Youth and Truth Campaign and Pre-Event Bustle at Bennett University: On February 7th, the session of Youth and Truth- Unplug with Sadhguru is planned at Bennett University, Greater Noida. The mega campaign is a platform for embracing the truths of life, that make us unique yet let us be a part of this cosmos.

An electrifying atmosphere has already been created where youngsters are brewing with questions to be answered by Sadhguru- the man who has redefined the way young people look at themselves and has become an icon of the youth. In September 2018, Sadhguru, Founder, Isha Foundation launched a nationwide movement called ‘Youth and Truth.’ Distilled down to its core, Youth and Truth is simply an invitation to young people to ask questions for which they never found answers. Travelling to university and college campuses around India including IITs and IIMs among others, answering questions on an astonishing range of subjects, Sadhguru’s intention is to bring clarity in the minds of the young. Sadhguru has often said that with the country’s demographic advantage, India can become one of the most dynamic nations if its youth are skilled, balanced and competent – none of which are possible without clarity of thought and the thirst to explore life to its fullest potential.

As the popularity of the movement shows no signs of abating, Sadhguru is stepping out for the second innings of the series. His visit to Bennett University is setting off an excited buzz among the students.  The young minds are full of questions which out of fear, inhibition or reasons unknown never came to fore.

Sadhguru’s Youth and Truth want to reach out to those questions, those uncertainties which we consider as irrelevant but are important for a healthy mind and a progressive, content life.

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The hustle and bustle to welcome Sadhguru on Bennett’s campus began as early as January 2019, with the representatives of Isha Foundation visiting the University and interacting with students.  A core group of committed and enthusiastic student volunteers was formed. The volunteers were totally upbeat and instantly excited about leading and living the journey of this youthful campaign where they believed the truth will be delivered in its raw and unadulterated form.

The preparations began with the volunteer team floating messages along with videos of Youth and Truth Campaign on Whatsapp and Instagram. At regular periodicity, different videos of Sadhguru are being circulated where he is seen answering questions, his unique razor-sharp intellect and wit cutting to the core of every question. In less than a week, the registration count for the event has reached over 700 with more than 1000 questions asked. The volunteers are leaving no stone unturned to keep the excitement soaring- standees, posters, ballot boxes, and other visual displays adorn every nook and corner of the campus. The vox pop video has students reaching out to Sadhguru with their questions and what the Master means to them.

The Fun Element

“Truth not through the seriousness of gospel but with the playfulness of gossip,” says Sadhguru, tongue firmly in cheek.

Why does Sadhguru command a welcome usually reserved for rock stars and celebrities? How does He connect so effortlessly with people – young or otherwise? What makes Him so compelling? To answer these in his unique and quirky style, RJ Raunac of Bauua fame visited Bennett University Campus on January 31, 2019. A combination of sugar and spice and all smiles, the young RJ talked to the students about Sadhguru and the transformation he experienced in his life after attending the inner engineering session in Coimbatore. It left an extremely indelible and different kind of impression and tempered his attitude towards people, especially in dealing with incompetence.  He has since then been associated with Sadhguru and Isha Foundation.

Further sharing his experience with the students, Raunac said Bennett University is giving a unique opportunity to students to seek answers to their lingering doubts. He encouraged students to forego limits, boundaries and taboos. From sex to drugs to relationships and midlife crisis, from fashion to freedom, from astrology to homosexuality, Ramayana, ambition, the beef ban, reincarnation, love, artificial intelligence, the purpose of life, career choices, no question is irrelevant.

Keeping the mood of fun and curiosity alive, the campus is celebrating the week of February 4th, 2019 as Youth and Truth Week.  Nukkard Nataks, Yoga and Meditation workshops would witness students uniting as one and rejoicing in this new-found spirit of truth and wisdom.

Bennett University is all geared up to take the temperatures soaring with Mohit Chauhan’s soul-searing “rockstar” renditions accompanied by the uber-energetic youthful Sounds of Isha.

Student Speak

“It is very difficult to convince people to ask questions that they feel is a taboo. I have to hit the right cord with messages that will be circulated for people to ask their questions without hesitation,” says Tanvi Mishra, 2nd-year mass communication student, responsible for communication among students.

“This event brought me closer to reality as I was amazed to discover what remains undiscovered,” says Nandana Varshney, 3rd year BTech student, a member of the organizing team.

 “It is overwhelming to read through some of the responses of students while filtering them and it has opened up my mind to different aspects of life,” says Gunisha Saini, 2nd year BBA student, taking care of registrations for the event.

“I wasn’t well aware of Sadhguru but working with the Isha Foundation team, I gradually understood the ideology and a changed perspective of life,” says Souvik Mishra, 2nd year BTech student, a member of the organizing team.

“Personally, for me, this has not merely been an event. I have been following Sadhguru for 4 years now and it was one of the most exciting news for me to hear that he will be visiting the campus. I think it is a great opportunity for us to ask questions and absorb the wisdom he has to offer. Being part of the organizing team, the event has taught me much about teamwork, planning, timing and creativity and has disciplined me as an individual, “ says Prateek Soni, 3rd Year B.Tech Student and University Student Council President.