BEEE 2020 Exam Pattern: Bharat University Exam Pattern

BEEE 2020 Exam Pattern
BEEE Exam Pattern

BEEE 2020 Exam Pattern helps candidates to know about the question paper pattern, marking scheme, exam mode, syllabus etc. The candidate must know the exam paper pattern to secure good marks. And, Bharath University Engineering Entrance Exam follows a certain paper pattern. The following article will cover the BEEE 2020 Exam Pattern in detail.

BEEE 2020 Exam Pattern

  • The exam will consist of three papers.
  • And, the languages in which the paper will be English.
  • While exam will be in both pattern i.e pen and paper mode as well as online mode. And, all the questions will be of objective type.
  • There will be 4 papers and each paper will be of 100 marks. Also, Candidate will have to appear for 3 out of 4 based n his course chosen.
  • Each question carries 1 mark
  • There will be 30 questions from each i.e mathematics, physics, chemistry, Biology and 10 questions from English.
  • While English, Physics and Chemistry paper is compulsory. And, the candidate can either opt for mathematics or biology-based on his course.
  • All questions are compulsory to answer.
  • The duration of the exam is 3 hrs.
  • Candidates willing to take admission in one of the courses offered at the university must be present either in an offline or online.
  • Appearing for both the mode is impossible. Whereas there is the date for the offline mode, and there is the choice of the online exam date.
  • The difficulty level of exams is somewhat the same as expected. As equal weightage for all the topics in all the papers.
  • Candidates should mark the answers on a separate OMR sheet provided with the question paper. Also, the appearing candidates must mark the answers by bubbling the OMR using a black ball pen.
  • Finally, there will be no negative marking in all the question papers.

BEEE 2020 Exam Date

S.No Events Dates
1. Availability of Application form (Online) 26 November 2019
2. Last Date to Fill and Submit Application Form 2nd week of April 2020
3. Last Date to Fill and Submit Application Form (Offline) 2nd April 2019
4 Availability of Admit card 2nd week of April 2020
7 BEEE 2020 (Online) 20 – 24 April 2020
8. BEEE 2020 (Offline) 19 April 2020
9. Declaration of Result along with counselling schedule 1st week of May 2020
10. Counselling June 2020
11. End date for receipt of NATA score and HSC marks (for B.Arch admission) 27 June 2020
12. Declaration of rank list & counselling schedule (for B.Arch program) 11 July 2020
13. Counselling for admission to B.Arch 14 July 2020

Bharat University Exam Pattern & Marking Scheme:

Paper Number Subject No. of questions Mark(s) per question Total Marks
Paper 1 Physics 30 1 30
Paper 2 Chemistry 30 1 30
Paper 3 Mathematics 30 1 30
Paper 3 Biology 30 1 30
Paper 4 English 10 1 10

To qualify for the exam, the candidate must score the cutoff marks which will be decided based on the overall performance of the candidate and the deviation from the mean result. And check all details at the BEEE 2020 official website.

Candidates are advised to regularly check for any new changes in the BEEE exam pattern.

Bharat University other pages
Syllabus Admit Card
Important Dates Notification


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