Kerala Polytechnic 2020: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria

Kerala Polytechnic 2019
Kerala Polytechnic 2019

The Department of Technical Education, Kerala conducts Kerala Polytechnic Admissions every year. The Authority does not conduct any separate entrance examination for admission of candidates to Polytechnic colleges of Kerala. The candidates will get admission on the basis of their performance in Class 10 and Class 12 Board Examinations (or equivalents). Given here are the complete details related to Kerala Polytechnic 2020.

Kerala Polytechnic 2020 Important Dates

Activity Dates
Starting of online application form Third week of May 2020
Online submission of application ends Last week of May 2020
Last date to register for application at Polytechnic Colleges Last week of May 2020
Publication of provisional rank list and trial allotment First week of June 2020
Closing of appeal and submitting revised options Second week of June 2020
Final rank list and first allotment list Third week of June 2020
second allotment list Fourth week of June 2020
Third allotment list First week of July 2020
Fourth allotment list Second week of July 2020
Admission closes on Last week of July 2020

Kerala Polytechnic 2020 Application Procedure

  1. Firstly, the candidates can submit the application form through online mode only.
  2. And, the candidates should submit the only single application form in case of various districts.
  3. Further, the candidates should fill separate applications in case of the following:
    • Regular seats in Government / Government Aided Programs / Government Seats in Self Financing Programs / Special Batch of HI (Hearing Impaired).
    • Management seats under Aided Programs: Submit to the respective Polytechnic colleges.
    • Seats under Sports Quota.
    • Seats under National Cadet Corps (NCC) Quota.
  4. Also, the aspirants have to submit the online application form from the official website.
  5. Finally, Applicants must take a print out of the completed Online Application Form and keep it safe for future reference.

Kerala Polytechnic 2020 Application Fee

  • The registration fee for General category candidates is Rs. 150/-
  • But, for candidates under SC / ST category, it is Rs. 75/-

Documents Required to Submit for Kerala Polytechnic 2020

Here are the important documents a candidate must contain in order to fill the application form.

  1. Domicile Certificate (Self Attested)
  2. Caste Certificate (Self Attested)
  3. Income Certificate (Self Attested)
  4. Medical Fitness Certificate (Self Attested)
  5. Mark Sheet of SSLC / THSLC or equivalent examination (Self Attested)

Kerala Polytechnic 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Given below is the minimum requirements for the Kerela Polytechnic 2020.

  • Nationality: The applicants must be of Indian nationality.
  • Domicile: The candidates must be in possession of Domicile Certificate of Kerala State / The candidates must have passed the qualifying examination from the educational board of Kerala / The candidates’ parents must be a permanent employee in Government or Public Sector Undertaking in Kerala State.
  • Qualifying Examination: The aspirants must have passed SSLC / THSLC or equivalent from Kerala State Board or any other recognised Board / University.
  • Subjects: The students must have passed the qualifying examination with Mathematics, Science, and English as mandatory subjects.
  • For candidates from ICSE / CBSE Board students, DTE will consider marks scored in Science for calculating grades instead of Physics and Chemistry.

Reservation Of Seats

Category Reservation (%)
 Persons with Disabilities 3
THSLC holders 10
ITI/ KGCE Certificate holders 5
VHSE Candidates 2

Kerala Polytechnic 2020 Admission

Admissions are offered on the basis of merit list prepared according to the marks scored by candidates in the Board of class 10 and 12. The selection of candidates to Polytechnic colleges will be done state wise. Kerala Polytechnic Counselling will be started after the release of merit list.

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Stay tuned with EntranceZone for more updates and information related to Kerala Polytechnic 2020.

The official website is given here. The link should be visited in order to know all the latest updates. Check KEAM 2020 details here.

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