KEAM 2020 Exam Pattern: Sample Papers, Patterns

KEAM Exam Pattern
KEAM Exam Pattern

KEAM 2020 also known as Kerala Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical Entrance Exam is Conducted by CEE (Commissionerate of Entrance Exam), Kerala. KEAM 2020 will be conducted in the month of April 2020. A candidate seeking admission in Engineering, Agriculture and Medical can apply. Any Aspirant applying for KEAM 2020 can check the details about KEAM 2020 Exam Pattern below:

KEAM 2020 Exam Pattern:

Here are the details of the pattern of the exam. Read them carefully. Also, the candidates should solve sample papers to get acquainted with the exam pattern.

  • The entrance exam will be in offline mode.
  • There will be two papers. The paper I and Paper II each containing 120 questions.
  • The Paper I will consist mostly of questions from Physics and Chemistry and Paper-II will consist of questions from Mathematics.
  • Each paper will be for 150 minutes.
  • It will be an MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) Type Entrance Exam with each question carrying four marks.
  • There is scope for negative marking. The correct answer will be awarded four marks, and for the wrong answer, one mark will be deducted from the total marks scored.
  • Candidates who will fail to answer at least one question in any paper will be disqualified.
  • Every Question Paper in the examination will have its own serial number, A candidate is advised to write it in the OMR answer sheet carefully. Any mismatch in the roll number serial number combination might result in disqualification of the candidate.

Kerala Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical Entrance Exam

Exam Pattern for KEAM 2020 will be as per the direction of CEE, Kerala. Students are advised to solve many sample question papers before appearing for the examination and divide the timings for each subject efficiently.

Examination Pattern which is discussed above was followed in KEAM 2020 and is expected to be the same this year. Any changes in the pattern will be notified on this website, once the information brochure for KEAM 2020 is released by the concerned authority.

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Counselling Important Dates
Eligibility Criteria Result

Aspirants are expected to frequently visit EntranceZone for any future updates.

Also, they should go, check the official webpage for all the latest updates.

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