JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline: Advantages and Disadvantages

JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline
Online vs Offline

JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline: The JEE Main Examination Paper 1 for B.E. / B. Tech. aspirants will take place in both online and offline modes. A lot of candidates are in the confusion whether to choose JEE Main Online Examination or JEE Main Offline Examination. There are many aspects to look before deciding the mode of examination such as the advantages and disadvantages of opting for the online examination or the offline examination or the difficulty level of both types of examinations. The aspirants must read the below article to get a complete and detailed comparison between JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline. From 2019 onwards, JEE Main will be conducted Computer Based Test and will be conducted through Online mode only.

JEE Main application form for January 2021 Examination is yet to be released by NTA.

Jee Main Rank Predictor 2019

JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline: Advantages and Disadvantages

The question of advantage and disadvantage is very genuine and relevant for the candidates who didn’t practice the online version of the exam. The candidates are advised to practice online mock test papers. Aspirants must read the article to get a complete and detailed comparison between JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline. learn which option to choose.

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JEE Main 2018 Offline Examination (Pen and Paper Based)

The offline exam is pen and paper-based test for JEE Main 2018. The candidates will get a question paper with questions in both English language and Hindi language. An OMR Answer Sheet will be provided for marking the choices by filling in the bubbles.

Advantages of Offline Examination Mode

More Familiarity with the Offline Examination Pattern

Indian students are in habit of solving pen and paper-based examination pattern. In school and coaching classes, the familiar mode of taking examinations is offline. Candidates prepare for entrance examination by looking at questions on a paper or book and marking the correct options. Thus, the applicants might feel safe attempting the offline mode of examination.

No Worries About Technical Issues

Many popular examinations such as CAT (Common Admission Test) and GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) are held in online mode (Computer Based Tests) in India now. But despite the growing popularity, technical glitches and problems are a persistent issue. Many students are worried about the issues such as power problem during JEE Main Online Examination. CBSE has taken all precautions regarding this but there is no guarantee for any system that involves power and technical issues.

Disadvantages of Offline Examination Mode

More Time Consuming

In an OMR sheet, a candidate needs to be very accurate in marking answers in the bubble. In a hurry, if the students partially fill the bubble or mark the bubble of an incorrect option, they lose their precious marks.And for this you need time and taking a lot of time may result in leaving a question unmarked.

And for this, the candidates need time and taking a lot of time may result in leaving a question unmarked.

No Changes Allowed Once an Answer is Marked

That is another issue in any pen and paper-based exam. The change in answer to any problem is not possible once a choice is marked on OMR sheet. But the candidate who opts for the online mode of examination can easily change his/her answers.

An aspirant might have filled a wrong option in the OMR sheet in a hurry or mark choice against the wrong question. This not only results in losing marks for one but for two questions.

JEE Main 2018 Online Examination (Computer Based)

In this, the applicant will be assigned a computer in the test center. The test will begin at the time mentioned in the admit card. The candidates will be able to marks answers (options) by simply clicking on the bubble.

Advantages of Online Examination Mode

Questions can be Marked for Review and Answers can be Changed at any Point of Time

The candidates can move between questions by the click of a button. And also, they can change answers even after marking one. Also, if the time permits after solving all the questions, the revision of the questions and changing answers then is possible.

Moreover, if a student is unsure of a correct answer, he/she can mark it for review and come back to it later.

Less Time Consuming

The applicants need not waste time filling in small bubbles. They just need to click on the answer and the work is done.

Official JEE Online Mock Test is Available Before the Examination

CBSE will make the official JEE Main Online Mock Test available on the official website in the month of December in order to a live experience to the candidates and help them being familiar with the computer-based examination.

Disadvantages of Online Examination Mode

Low Confidence

This parameter is not applicable to all the candidates. But many of the applicants are not familiar with this pattern and hence have low confidence in attempting paper on the computer. Most of the examinations have pen and paper based exam pattern. The Olympiads and talent search examinations also have the same offline examination pattern of marking answers on an OMR sheet. So, candidates often feel a little less confident about opting online JEE Main Examination.

Noting Wrong Figures for Some Questions

CBSE has taken all precautions for any kind of technical fault and if something happens, technical help is provided immediately. But since it involves computers, there is no guarantee of the system and if any technical issue occurs it may result in time wastage and also may affect the mental state of a candidate which leads to the bad performance in the examination.

Finally, the aspirants must keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of online mode and offline mode of JEE Main 2018 Examination and opt for the one in which they are comfortable.

JEE Main 2018 Online vs Offline

The official website of JEE Main 2018 is

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