IISER 2021 Admissions: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria

IISER 2020 Admissions
IISER 2020 Admissions

IISER 2021 Admission will commence from July 2021. The Application Form will be released on 01 July and will be available until 31 August 2021. The admissions is organised by Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research(IISER ). It is a national level entrance test known as IISER SCB Aptitude Test to shortlist aspirants for admission into 5-year dual degree course known as BS-MS Programme.  The admission into IISER will be through three channels – SCB, KVPY and on basis of JEE Advanced exam. Candidates can read more regarding more details regarding How to Apply, Important Dates and various other important information in the article below.

IISER 2021 Admission

Admission Notification Announced
Exam Date Announced
Application Window Yet to Open

IISER Admission 2021 Latest Update

  • IISER 2021 Online Application form will be made available from 01 JUly 2021.
  • The date of IISER Aptitude Test 2021 is 17 September 2021.

IISER 2021 Admissions Important Dates

The important dates regarding the IISER Admission 2021 exam for all the three channels are given below:

For SCB (Aptitude Test) Channel:

Events Dates 
Application Form 1st July 2021
Submission of application form 31st August 2021
Admit card availability 1st week of September 2021
Last date to submit 12th marks & category certificate September 2021
IISER Aptitude Test 2021 17th September 2021
Answer Key September 2021
Result announcement September/ October 2021
Counselling session October 2021

IISER 2021 Admission Form

The details regarding the IISER 2021 Application form are given below:

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about IISER 2021 Admissions: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria

  • IISER 2021 application form will be released on 01 July 2021
  • candidates can fill the form through online mode.
  • The last date to fill the application form is 31 August 2021.
  • Each channel will have its separate application form.
  • Candidates will be allowed to apply for all the three channels.
  • Candidates also have to choose the choice of examination centre as per the preference.

IISER 2021 Application Fees

The Application Fees for IISER 2021 for the different category is:

S.No. Category Application Fees
1. General Rs. 2000/-
2. SC/ST/Kashmiri Migrants Rs. 1000/-

Mode of Payment: Candidates can pay the application fees through online mode only via:

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Net Banking

How to Apply for IISER 2021?

Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to fill the IISER 2021 application form.

  1. First of all, Candidates need to visit the official website at IISER.
  2. Candidates must select the Notifications link on the official website.
  3. Applicants firstly need to register by clicking on the Admissions Link on Homepage of the Website.
  4. Candidates can fill the online application with all the necessary details required.
  5. Fill all the details like Name, Date of Birth and other details in the correct manner as per the rules.
  6. Upload thumb impression, signature and photograph and other applicable documents online with the desired Quality, Size.
  7. Pay the fees online as described below.
  8. After the payment is completed, Review the Application Form and submit it.

IISER 2021 Admission Eligibility Criteria

The candidates who are eligible for the IISER 2021 Admissions must have cleared the following criteria:

  • Qualification:
    • Applicants should have completed the 10th/ Matriculation along with ITI Course from a recognized board/Institution with passing marks.
    • Candidates should have completed or should be appearing in 2021 for the final examination of class 12  from any board.
  • Minimum marks:
    • Candidate must have passed with 60% aggregate marks in Physics, Mathematics and English.
  • Nationality:
    • Candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • Age Limit:
    • There is no upper or lower age limit for the Examination.

The Eligibility Criteria for the different channels are:

    • KYPY Channel: Candidates need to have a valid KYPY fellowship which is commencing for 2020-19. Also, In addition, Aspirants will have to meet the cutoff criteria that will be applicable.

    • JEE Channel: Under this Category, General Category candidates who have scored an All Inda Rank (AIR) within 10000 in the Common Rank List (CRL) in JEE Advanced 2020 can apply for IISER 2020. But in case of reserved category candidates, they need to be ranked inside the top 10000 in their respective categories.

    • SCB Channel: Aspirants seeking admission under this method must meet the minimum cutoff percentage as prescribed by IISER for their respective state boards. Also, Candidates will have to appear in the IISER 2021 Aptitude Test to be considered for admission for which candidates need to fill the Application Form and give the Entrance Test.

NOTE: PIO and OCI category Aspirants can also apply, but like their Indian counterparts they must also meet apply through any of the 3 available channels and should satisfy the applicable eligibility criteria.

IISER 2021 Admission Exam Pattern

The details regarding the IISER 2021 Exam pattern is given below:

  • Exam Duration: The Test Duration will be 3 Hours.
  • Mode of Exam: The exam will be conducted in Offline mode.
  • No. of Question: the paper will consist of 110 questions.
  • Type of Question: The paper will consist of Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs).
  • Negative Marking: 1 Mark will be deducted for Wrong Answered questions.
  • Language: Question paper will be asked in English and Hindi language.

The details regarding the paper pattern of each subject are given below:

Subjects No. of Questions Total Marks
Physics 15 45
Chemistry 15 45
Mathematics 15 45
Biology 15 45
Total 60 180

IISER 2021 Admission Syllabus

The detailed information regarding the IISER 2021 syllabus is given below:

Subject Units
Chemistry Solutions, Chemical Kinetics & Surface Chemistry
p, d & f block Elements and Environmental Chemistry
Hydrogen & s – Block Element
Atomic Structure, States of Matter & Thermodynamics
Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry
Oxygen, Nitrogen, Polymers & Biomolecules
Mathematics Matrices, Vectors & Reasoning
Limit, Integration & Differentiation
Permutation-Combinations & Binomial Theorem
Probability & Trigonometry
Physics Kinematics, Gravitation & Oscillations
Thermal Physics
Electricity & Magnetism
Atomic Structure & Optics
Electrical & Electronics
Biology Diversity in the living world
Structural organization in animals and plants
Human physiology
Cell structure and function
Plant physiology
Genetics and evolution
Biology and human welfare
Biotechnology and its application
Ecology and environment

IISER 2021 Admission Ticket 

The details regarding the IISER 2021 Admit card are given below:

  • The IISER Admit card will be released in the month of September 2021
  • The Admit Card will be released in online mode.
  • Candidates can download the admit card from the official websites of IISER.
  • It is mandatory to carry the admit card along with an ID proof to appear for the admission test.
  • Admit card can be downloaded from the official website and can be printed further.
  • Make sure, the details on Admit Card is correct and also the Photograph on Admit Card is clear, if not then contact the authorities as soon as possible.

How to Download the IISER 2021 Admit Card?

The Admit Card can be downloaded using the following steps:

  1. Visit the official website and then click on the link to download the admit card.
  2. Finally, Candidate shall be required to use the following information for downloading the admit card:
    1. Registration Number/Roll No/Email Id
    2. Password/Date of Birth in dd-mm-yy format

IISER 2021 Admission Result

The details regarding the IISER 2021 result are mentioned below:

  • The result will be announced in the month of September/October 2021.
  • The result will be released in online mode.
  • Candidates can download the result from the official website.
  • Candidates will need to log in with their login id and password to check the result.

IISER 2021 Admission Counselling

The details regarding the IISER 2021 Counselling are mentioned below:

  • The IISER 2021 Counselling for admissions in IISER will be conducted for the Aspirants who will be shortlisted in their respective channels.
  • The seat allotment will be based on factors like the number of seats available, rank of the candidate, and the choice filled.
  • Counselling will be conducted separately for each of the three modes of admission.
  • Candidates who are placed higher in the merit rank of IISER 2020 will have more preference during the counselling process of IISER 2020.

Documents Required at the time of Counselling Under IISER 2021?

The Candidates need to produce the following original documents along with the photocopy at the time of admission after the clearance of entrance examination:

  1. TC (Transfer Certificate).
  2. 10th/High School Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
  3. 12th(Intermediate (+2)) Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
  4. Migration Certificate
  5. Mark Sheet of 10th/High School Certificate/equivalent
  6. Mark sheets of 12th(Intermediate (+2)) Certificate/equivalent.
  7. Mark sheet of the Qualifying Examination.

How to get Admissions in IISER 2021?

The Admission to IISER 2021 can be done through these 3 methods:

  1. Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY): Candidates will be offered admission on the basis of valid KVPY fellowship which is given in 11th/12th Standard bypassing the KVPY Examination.

  2. Joint Entrance Examination of Indian Institutes of Technology (JEE) channel: Aspirants with valid JEE Advanced 2021 scores with minimum Cutoff are eligible for direct admission to IISER.

  3. State and Central Boards Channel (SCB) channel: Candidates opting for this method will have to appear in an aptitude test.

IISER 2021 Examination Centres

While filling the Application Form, The Candidate will be asked to fill the Examination Centre. The candidate will be allowed to fill the choices from which He/She will get any centre according to the available seats. The Locations available for IISER 2021 are:

IISER 2018 Test Centres

IISER 2021 Admission Highlights

Given-below the major points of the Indian Institute of  Science Education and Research 2021

Exam Name Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Admission (IISER Admission 2020)
Conducting Body Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Level National-Level
Website https://www.iiseradmission.in
Application link Releasing Soon
Exam Mode Online
Exam purpose to offer admission to the candidates in the five- year dual degree BS-MS (Bachelor of Science – Master of Science) programme.

Stay connected for more updates about IISER 2021 at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research


Can OCI/ PIO holder apply for the test?

Yes, OCI/PIO holder can apply for the exam.

Do I have to apply separately for different campuses of IISER?

No, candidates can apply through the common application process for all the campuses.

Can I apply for more than one channel?

Yes, the candidate can apply for al the three channels.

What is the mode of the exam?

The exam will be in online mode only(CBT).