JEE Advanced AAT 2021: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria

JEE Advanced AAT 2019
JEE Advanced AAT 2019

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 is the entrance examination for B.Arch admissions into participating IITs i.e., IIT Roorkee and IIT Kharagpur. The Candidates who qualify JEE Advanced will only be eligible to apply for (AAT) Architecture Aptitude Test. The registration process will be open only for one day, so candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible for JEE Advanced AAT 2021. Read the article below to know more about Important dates, Eligibility criteria, the Application process, Seat allotment of JEE Advanced AAT 2021.

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Status

Exam Notification Yet to Release

IIT Architecture Aptitude Test for B.Arch. Program

  • The Bachelor of Architecture course is available at IIT Kharagpur and IIT Roorkee only. Aspirants desirous of taking the B.Arch. (Architecture) need to qualify in the JEE Advanced Architecture Aptitude Test. Furthermore, the AAT is open for candidates who qualified for JEE Advanced Examination.
  • Aspirants for B.arch admission in IITs must register online at the JEE (Advanced) 2021 online portal for AAT.
  • The venue of the architecture aptitude test is at the seven zonal coordinating IITs only.
  • The architecture entrance test will consist of one paper for three hours of duration.
  • The question paper for architecture aptitude test will be available in the English language only.
  • No separate admit card/hall ticket will be issued by JEE Advanced. The original admit card of Joint Entrance Examination Advanced 2020 should be presented in the examination venue.
  • Furthermore, the applicants are required to bring their own drawing and colouring instruments.
  • Whereas cut-off marks will be decided by the Joint Implementation Committee.
  • Results will be announced on the JEE (Advanced) 2021 online portal.
  • And students securing cut-off marks will be declared qualified for Architecture course. However, there is no separate AAT category wise ranking or cut-off.
  • Finally, the seat allotment is solely done on the basis of category-wise All India Rank (Advanced).

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Dates

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Tentative Schedule
Events Dates (Tentative)
Registration Open July 2021
Registration Closes July 2021
Exam date August 2021
Result Date August 2021

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Eligibility Criteria

Only those candidates who qualify in JEE (Advanced) 2021 examination are eligible to appear in AAT 2021. Click Here for JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria.

  • Performance in JEE (Main) 2021: Candidates should be among the top categories in Paper-1 of JEE (Main) 2021. The percentages of various categories are: 4% for GEN-EWS, 27% for OBC-NCL, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and the remaining 46.5% is OPEN for all. Within each of these four categories, 5% horizontal reservation is available for Physically challenged candidates.
  • Age limit: Candidates should have been born on or after 01 October 1996. For Reserved categories, Five years of age relaxation is given.
  • Appearance in Class XII (or equivalent) examination: A candidate should have appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2019 or 2020. 
  • Earlier admission at IITs: A candidate should NOT have been admitted in an IIT irrespective of whether or not he/she continued in the programs OR accepted an IIT seat by reporting at a reporting centre in the past. Candidates whose admission at IITs was cancelled after joining any IIT are also NOT eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2021
  • A number of attempts: A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) AAT a maximum of two times in two consecutive years.

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Exam Pattern

There will be only one paper comprising the following sections:

1. Freehand drawing

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2. Geometrical drawing

3. 3D perception.

4. Imagination & Aesthetic Sensitivity

5. Architectural awareness.

JEE Advanced (AAT) 2021 Syllabus

The AAT exam syllabus for JEE Advanced Architecture Aptitude Test is mention here.

  • Freehand drawing: This would comprise of simple drawing depicting the total object in its right form and proportion, surface texture, relative location and details of its component parts on the appropriate scale. Common domestic or day-to-day life usable objects like
    furniture, equipment, etc., from memory.
  • Geometrical drawing: Exercises in geometrical drawing containing lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, etc. Study of plan (top view), elevation (front or side views) of simple solid objects like prisms, cones, cylinders, cubes, splayed surface holders, etc.
  • Three-dimensional perception: Understanding and appreciation of three-dimensional forms with building elements, colour, volume and orientation. Visualization through structuring objects in memory.
  • Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity: Composition exercise with given elements. Context mapping. Creativity check through the innovative uncommon test with familiar objects. The sense of colour grouping or application.
  • Architectural awareness: General interest and awareness of famous architectural creations – both national and international, places and personalities (architects, designers, etc.) in the related domain.

How tough is the architecture aptitude test (AAT) for B.Arch in IIT?

The AAT paper for B.Architecture admission is not as much tough as speculated if you follow the pattern and syllabus. If a candidate practices thoroughly on sketching and drawings and looks the objects in 3D perception.

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Exam Centres

Candidates must select their suitable exam centre of JEE Advanced AAT 2020 while filling the application form. The seven zonal coordinating Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) are:

  1. Roorkee Zone
  2. Madras Zone
  3. Kharagpur Zone
  4. Kanpur Zone
  5. Guwahati Zone
  6. Delhi Zone
  7. Bombay Zone

AAT Cut-off

The B.Arch Opening & Closing Ranks in 2017 round 7 are given below:

Category IIT Kharagpur 2017 IIT Roorkee 2017
Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank
General 6448 14927 5062 14983
OBC NCL 3067 4182 3134 4180
ST 323 1122 533.01 905
SC 871 2263 2135 2320

Architecture Aptitude Test Sample Papers Free Download

The architecture aptitude test past/previous year question papers & solutions are listed here.

JEE Advanced 2015

JEE Advanced 2016

JEE Advanced AAT 2021 Highlights

The short details of JEE Advanced AAT 2021 are given below in the table:

Exam Name                  JEE Advanced AAT 2021
JEE Advanced AAT Full Form                      Joint Entrance Exam Admission Aptitude Test
Exam Type                    UG & PG
Exam Level                    National Level
Courses Offered           Engineering, Sciences, or Architecture
Conducting Body          IIT, Kharagpur
JEE Advanced AAT Official Website