KEAM 2020 Counselling: Schedule, Selection, Admission

KEAM Counselling
KEAM Counselling

KEAM 2020 Counselling Registration will be started from 17 June 2020. KEAM 2020 Seat Allotment for the first round will be released on 21 June 2020. KEAM 2020 also known as Kerala Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical Entrance Exam Counselling is organized by CEE (Commissionerate of Entrance Exam), Kerala. KEAM 2020 will be held on 02 – 03 May 2020. A candidate seeking admission in Engineering, Agriculture and Medical can apply. Candidate Applying for KEAM 2020 can see all the details regarding KEAM 2020 counselling below. Also, passing the exam does not confirm the seat in the institute. Counselling is also a very important part of the admission part and if a candidate is unable to attend the counselling session on the given date and time, the candidature of the student will be cancelled.

Once the merit list is released, which will be made by taking the qualifying exam and KEAM 2020 into consideration, the selected students will be notified by Emails. The counselling will commence in the last week of June 2020. It will start with online option entry.

KEAM 2020 Counselling Procedure

Below are some small important instructions that are given to the candidates.

  • Candidates will have to first register themselves online for option entry. Candidates can log in using their Application Number, Key Number, and Password. Many help centres will be opened up in various cities for candidates who do not have internet access. Candidates should visit the official website frequently as these will remain functional for some specified time period.
  • Once, the candidate is registered online, he can enter his branch and college preferences.
  • CEE, Kerala then conducts trial allotment sessions to give the candidates an idea of the real counselling procedure.
  • Counselling will be done using CAP (Centralized Allotment Process). This will be accomplished using a Single Window System (SWS) for the smooth procedure.
  • Once the registration is done, a candidate will be called to the allotted college for admission confirmation.
  • Once the online allotment is done, spot allotment is conducted to fill the remaining seats. All the candidates who are listed in the rank list are eligible for the spot admission process.

Counselling dates For Engineering/Agriculture/Pharmacy:

Events Dates (Tentative)
Online option registration starts 17 June 2020
Last date for option registration 19 June 2020
First allotment result 21 June 2020
Seat acceptance fee payment 21 – 26 June 2020
Online option filling (2nd round) 27 June 2020
Second allotment result 04 July 2020
Seat acceptance fee payment July 2020
Report at the allotted college July 2020
Last Allotment Publish July 2020
Reporting Date July 2020
These are the official dates released by the Commissionerate of Entrance Exam.

Kerala Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Counselling

  • Candidates can frequently visit EntranceZone for more details about any modifications in the KEAM 2020 counselling procedure and the exact dates.
  • Exact details regarding counselling and all the cutoff lists will be uploaded here.
  • Also, keep visiting the official page of KEAM 2020. The latest updates on dates and seats of different streams will be available on the official website. The link is here.

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