See the BITS Pilani Magic at Goa!

BITS Pilani Goa Campus Magic

So, when you stand at the gate of BITS Pilani Goa Campus for the first time it does not seem like a campus at all. It looks like an old resort with tall palm trees, lush greenery all around and a beautiful lake in the corner. And to stand at the entrance and see all of this, BITS Goa does not seem like an average college, and indeed it isn’t.

I have studied there for four years and I can tell you that place is going to give the 4 best years of your life academically and socially. It is not just a place where you will learn your coursework and get out, this place will give the exposure and opportunity to be whoever you want and pursue your interests in life.

See the BITS Pilani Magic at Goa!

Campus life here is an amalgamation of academics, friends, clubs, departments and obviously a little partying. We have classes from 9 in the morning till 5 in the evening, but going or not is completely your choice as there is 0% attendance in BITS.

BITS wants to give you the freedom of doing what you like and pursuing your interests. You can even take courses that are from other branches as well if you can scoop up time in your schedule.

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Clubs and departments form an integral part of our student life here at BITS. People have spent more time in their departments compared to classes. A major chunk of your social circle in your college life will be highly dependent on your clubs and departments.

They will help shape up your personality in ways you can’t even imagine. Departments and Clubs become like families here, that is the kind of bond that is formed. Your seniors will treat you like kids and help you anywhere you need it, be it college work or something personal.

Our departments are the organisations that are majorly responsible for the fests organised in the college. We at BITS Goa have three fests every year, See the BITS Pilani Magic at Goa!

  • Waves – Cultural Fest
  • Quark – Technical Fest
  • Spree – Sports fest

These fests are completely student organised. Every aspect from the money to the publicity to the events, absolutely everything is done by the students. A few of the departments are Controls (the nervous centre of any fest), DOSM (responsible for sponsorship and marketing), DEPP (responsible for publicity and public relations).

Being a part of such departments, you get to learn a lot and get to know how things work in the real world. You get a lot of real world experience when organising fests that take place on such a big scale. Working in departments regularly looks good on our resume as well.

Apart from departments we also have clubs. Clubs are also organisations but they are mostly interest and hobby oriented than departments. Clubs on our campus are basically a group of students with a common interest and them getting together to pursue it.

A few clubs on our campus would be Dance Club, Music Club, Fash Club, Nirmaan etc. We also have clubs like App club, where students teach each other how to make apps, another such club is ERC for people who are really interested in robotics. One of the coolest clubs on campus is AeroD, their motto is “Getting high legally”, they are a group of flight enthusiasts who make and fly planes.

Do you remember the famous copter in 3 idiots, we have one of those flying around the campus in the evenings. In BITS Goa you can find a club for almost anything that interests you and people who are equally enthusiastic about it. And if you cannot find a club doing something you like you can always start one on your own!

For those of you who are into sports, our campus has a lot of facilities in that area as well. Our campus has a very good football team and we love to cheer them on.

Students in our campus play a lot of other sports like Cricket, Basketball as well and we have dedicated college teams for these as well. One sport that is unique to the Goa Campus is Ultimate Frisbee and mind it is not just tossing the Frisbee around for fun, it requires a lot of practice, precision and skill!

Besides these, our campus has a very rich startup culture! We have budding entrepreneurs all over the campus. If you were to take a walk in the campus after college gets over, you will see groups of students working in corridors on their products and their startups with dreams of making it big!

This atmosphere is supported by our faculty as well, with courses like NVC (New Venture Capitalists) where successful entrepreneurs are invited to give talks and guide the students. We also have an incubation centre on our campus that provides office spaces and other such facilities to students and helps them grow their startup.

One such startup that has risen from the walls of BITS Goa is Mudra, which has developed a device that helps blind people learn Braille more easily. Just google it!

Apart from these activities, college life in BITS Goa is just amazing, it is nothing short of 2am conversations over coffee and Maggi, library chit chats, 12am birthday celebrations, poker games in corridors, road trips to all over goa, hiking and trekking, partying.

The campus is full of hope, ideas, creativity, talent and freedom! After 4 years in this place you will emerge a different person altogether, someone who knows what he wants in life with much more confidence and experience and a bundle of memories to cherish for life! BITS Pilani indeed is magic!

See the BITS Pilani Magic at Goa!