IPU CET 2020 Paper Pattern: Indraprastha University Exam Pattern

IPU CET 2018 Paper Pattern
IPU CET Paper Pattern

The IPU CET 2020 Paper Pattern consists of important information which is related to the engineering entrance exams like exam time duration, details of different sections of the paper, marking pattern, the total number of questions, etc. Candidates who are preparing and eager to enrol in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Entrance Exam should follow this content written below.

Here we are providing IPU CET 2020 Exam Pattern to the aspirant candidates who want to enrol in IPU CET 2020. And, IPU Common Entrance Test is organised by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha  University authority. The main aim to conduct Common Entrance Test is to give admission to the candidates who want to pursue their further study in IP university. Admission of the candidates totally depends on upon the final merit rank of their in CET at AIR level. It has many different courses available for students including MBA, B.Tech, etc.

IPU CET 2020 Paper Pattern:

Syllabus of  IPU CET 2020:

Questions in CET  entrance will basically ask from 11th and 12th standard syllabus based on English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Aptitude, reasoning Aptitude.

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  1. Exam mode: IPU CET  conducted in offline mode (OMR) only.
  2. Language mode of the examination: IPU Common Entrance Test is conducted in the English language.
  3. Type of Question Paper: The question paper is objective type, M.A. (English) will contain essay type questions and M.Phil (English) is a subjective type exam.
  4. Number of Questions: All CETs contains 150 questions (except B.Tech Biotechnology which contains 200 questions. The paper-1 of M.Phil contains 100 objective type questions).
  5. The medium of Question Paper: The medium of question paper is English (Except B.Ed for which paper medium is English as well as Hindi).
  6. Time duration: The paper for Indraprastha University CET is of 2:30 hours and of 3hr for B-tech ( please refer to the official site given below).
  7. Marking /filling OMR  Material: Only black ball pen will be allowed.
  8. Total number of questions: 150 and 200(for a b-tech)
  • 4 marks for every right answer.
  • 1 mark of negative marking for every wrong answer.

Indraprastha University CET Exam Pattern:

Reasoning +Aptitude +English+GS

And  Physics (33.33%)

Chemistry (33.33%)

Mathematics (33.33%)

Students are advised to be very conscious and careful about the belonging and Paper material they take with them inside the CET hall. On offence of belonging any illegal item may subject to the detailed candidate from Indraprastha University CET at all lifetime.

The official link is given here. Candidates can check every little update here. www.ipu.ac.in

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