Daman & Diu NMMS 2023: Registration, Eligibility, Rewards


Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 or NMMS which is Known as the National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship is a Centrally patronized education scheme that is enforced by the Department of School Education & Knowledge under the Ministry of Human Resource Development with the ideal to financially support the meritorious scholars of economically weaker sections of the society. NMMS encourages underprivileged scholars to continue their studies at the secondary position by offering an education quantum of Rs. 12000/- per annum. Every time this MCM scholarship is activated in the month of November and increases the literacy among the talented scholars. State Council of Educational Research and Training, Daman and Diu is the authorized body to conduct the Daman and Diu NMMS 2021 exam every year for the eligible campaigners at the state level. Read the complete article to get more details of Daman & Diu NMMS Registration, dates, exam scheme, etc.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now

NMMS application forms 2023-24 will be available online in some states/UTs.

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Scheme

The application form for the Daman and Diu NMMS 2023 has not yet been released. The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Daman and Diu is the organizing body for the exam. The exam is usually held in the month of December. The application form will be released on the official website of SCERT, Daman and Diu.

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  • Under the NMMS Scholarship Scheme, literacy is given to those scholars who are veritably good in studies and whose family income is lower than Rs per annum. Each state/ UT has fixed the share for granting literacy to the scholars of class 7th and 8th according to the annexure. 
  • The scheme will give reservation to different orders of scholars as per the morals of the State/ UT; As different countries/ UTs have their own morals of reservation. 
  • These literacy awards are being awarded on a periodic basis to scholars studying as follows: Government, Government-backed and native Must be a regular pupil in class IX body seminaries and that renewal will be done for class X, XI, and XII. This education will be given outside of 4 times. 
  • The quantum of the education will be. 12000/-per annum@Rs. 1000 per month. 
  • A separate examination will be conducted by the UTs/State Government officials for the selection of scholars for the award of National Means-cum-Merit literacy in the States/UTs. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Dates

Below, we’ve handed the anticipated NMMS 2023 result release date for all major countries. conform this table to observe track of your state result and admit card. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Dates
Events Dates (Tentative)
NMMS Result State Result Announcement Date
NMMS Daman & Diu Result 2023 Second week of March 2023
NMMS Admit Card 2023 Announcement Date
Daman & Diu  December  2021

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Application Form

  • The application forms for the aspirants who want to appear for the entrance test will be made available online mode on the sanctioned website of the university. 
  • The aspirants are instructed to visit the sanctioned website of the university to fill the operation form. 
  • Aspirants need to fill out the form and submit the same before the due date in online mode to get the education. 
  • The aspirant has to produce a new ID and register themselves on the sanctioned website of the university to download the operation form and fill the same. 
  • After enrollment, the aspirant needs to check the eligibility criteria and all the details regarding the instructions of the operation process and entrance test as citation on the sanctioned website of the university as the sanctioned authority won’t give an education to the aspirants who don’t meet the eligibility criteria. 
  • After downloading the form aspirants need to enter necessary details in it as demanded with the help of the educational qualification documents. 
  • All the details should be entered duly and directly. 
  • After entering details in the operation form one needs to upload some documents in the given format and size as citation on the sanctioned website of the university. 
  • And also take a printout of the operation form and pay the operation figure and incipiently submit the properly filled operation form and complete the operation process. 

Documents Required for NMMS Scholarship

  • Age Proof of Student
  • Educational documents
  • Aadhar Card/ Bonafide Student Certificate from School.
  • Domicile/ Permanent residence Proof
  • Scholarship category
  • Name of Student
  • Mobile Number
  • Email Id
  • Bank Account Details
  • Identification Details 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Registration Fees

The scholars who’ll register for Daman & Diu NMMS 2023-23 will have to pay a certain quantum to share in the test, the quantum which will be paid is given below: 

Category Application fees
Gen/OBC Rs 75/-
SC/ST Rs 55/-

Mode of payment

  • The application fee will be paid only through the auto-generated e-challan online portal in SBI Bank. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Then is the most important passage of the education scheme which depicts the education scheme eligibility. The applicant has to follow given eligibility barometers. The eligibility particulars are as follows. 

  • Scholars must be studying in class VIII and must have a minimal 55% score (50% for reticent orders) in class VII. 
  • In order to persist the education, scholars must gain 55% (50% for reticent orders) in class IX and XI and 60% (55% for reticent orders) in the class Xth test. 
  • Scholars of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kendriya Vidyalaya and Sainik Schools can not refer for the education. 
  • Scholars studying in domestic seminaries run by state government institutions with installations like boarding, lodging and education can not apply as well. 
  • Scholars pursuing their studies in nonpublic seminaries can not apply for the NMMS 2023-23 test as well. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Exam Pattern

NMMS 2023 test pattern is important for success in the NMMS test. Test pattern attendants scholars about the criterion of questions, number of questions, marking scheme, syllabus and much further. This helps scholars plan their studies according to the weightage and time needed for any subjective content. NMMS 2023 test will have two portions, Mental Capability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Capacities (SAT). For further details on these two subjective motifs, read below

Daman & Diu NMMS Exam Pattern
Parts Sections No. of Questions
Part – I Mental Ability Test (MAT) Mental Ability 49
English 20
Hindi 25
90 marks
Part – II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Science 35
Mathematics 20
Social studies 35
90 marks

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Syllabus

Now that you are familiar with the structure of the exam, let us go through the NMMS exam syllabus in detail.

  • Mental ability test (MAT)

 The Mental Capability Test of the NMMS test evaluates the judgmental thinking and logic capability of the campaigners through motifs like Analogy and Bracket, Numerical Series, Hidden Numbers, Pattern Perception,etc. 

  • Scholarship Aptitude Test (SAT)

As bandied, there are 90 multiple-choice problems in the SAT which are formed from Social Science, Science, Mathematics subjects. You can prepare for the forenamed topics by pertaining to the motifs mentioned in class 7th and class 8th Science, class 7th  and 8th SST, and class 7th and 8th Calculi. 

Daman & Diu NMMS Exam Preparation Tips

To be well set for the NMMS Test, it’s important to follow master plans and try distinctive styles to see which you feel comfortable with. You’ll be suitable to study with focus and attention only when you’re comfortable with your surroundings and study program. Then there are many nifty tips and tricks to help you with your preparations for the NMMS test. 

  • Examining the syllabus NMMS 2023 doesn’t have any particular syllabus and the questions can come from many outlined motifs and subjects. The hardness position is the syllabus of class VII and VII. Therefore, you are required to assay the syllabus of classes VII and VIII along with former time problem papers and syllabus handed by MHRD. 
  • Proceed with the test pattern that you have figured out the syllabus for NMMS 2023, applicant’s should go through the syllabus to prioritise which questions personnel should commence preparing for initially and which questions should be prepared later on. Once you have done that, effects will be vastly easier for you. 
  • Make an appropriate study plan, after dividing up the syllabus for NMMS 2023 test, you need to allot a time to it, according to its weightage, the time it consumes and the overall significance of the subject/content. However, you can do it at the closure of your preparation, before you start revising, If it has lower weightage. This study plan will give speciality to the way you study and help you succeed. 
  • Exercise from sample papers succeeding your study plan, after you have finalized your entire syllabus, you should start working on sample question papers for NMMS 2023 or the former time’s question papers. Turn on a water clock and trace how long it takes you to complete a test. This will help you in tone evaluation, through which, you can work on the weak corridor of your medication. 
  • Take ample rest and consume healthily Remember an able-bodied body is home to a healthy mind. Therefore, to succeed in the NMMS 2023, it’s important to take care of your physical as well as internal health. Add short breaks in your study plan and follow your pursuits for some part of the day. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Admit Card

State-wise admit cards for the NMMS education test are issued by distinctive state boards. Scholars who have applied for this scheme can download NMMS Test Admit Card 2023 from the authorized website.

  • And the scholars are needed to keep this admit card with them during the test, till the end of the test.
  • NMMS Admit Card 2023 corresponds to the details of the centre details, student’s title, roll number, schedule for the test etc.  
  • It’s pivotal to carry the admit card of NMMS 2023 to the test hall as scholars aren’t to be permitted to present the test if they do not hold their admit card.
  • After the test ends, scholars need to submit their NMMS admit card to the invigilator, therefore, they’re advised to keep a photocopy of the admit card already. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Answer Key & Result

NMMS will issue the answer key on the authorized portal. The answers are veritably useful for the aspirants who turned up in the test. NMMS Education Test Answer Crucial generally appears Within a month, if achievable the test channelling authority discloses the answer within one/ two weeks after the test. 

The authorized administrations will advertise the result on the authorized website of the university in online mode for the reference of the aspirants. Aspirants have to visit the authorized website of the university utilizing the roll number and date of birth and download the same. The aspirants must keep some clones of the results. Based on the marks scored by the aspirants in the entrance test, the authorized authorities will give a scholarship to them. Still, to get the education, the aspirants must have scored further than 40% marks in both the papers that are MAT and SAT (32% marks in case of reserved order). Still, aspirants must also meet the eligibility standards set by the authority. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Cut Off

States/UTs publish NMMS cutoff along with SCERT result. NMMS cut off will be unleashed state-wise and will bear the marks against which scholars will be admitted to NMMS education. The cutoff of NMMS 2023 will be released online in PDF format and scholars will be able to check state-wise NMMS Cut-off using the official link. 

Daman & Diu NMMS Admission Process

Scholars who will appear for the exam will be enrolled on the basis of NMMS Cut Off Marks 2023. They have to qualify the NMMS 2023 scholarship exam to get the education authorized benefits. The result of the scholarship exam will be released by the state government board. The result announcement dates may be distinctive for the states. 

Disbursement of Scholarship

The ensuing conditions will be serviceable for entering the expenditure of the scholarship. 

  • The list of heirs is transferred by the state governments on the scholarship portal. After that, it’s scanned by the ministry, and finances are approved as per the periodic budget. 
  • The ministry disburses the whole scholarship quantum to the State Bank of India. 
  • After SBI Bank is approved by the ministry, the scholarship quantum will be paid by the State Bank of India to all the scholars. 
  • The scholarship amount will be accredited to the pupil’s account as per the list handed by the ministry. 
  • In case of any confusion witnessing the list, SBI limbs will be accommodated with the state education department. 
  • Scholarship amount won’t be given in installations. The entire amount will be expended formally in a timei.I. INR 12000 for each pupil. 
  • Scholars have to open an account in any SBI bank or any listed public or private sector bank to get the scholarship. 
  • Awardees must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in classes 9th and 11th in order to continue with the education to the coming advanced class. There’s a relaxation of 5% for SC/ ST order campaigners. 

Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 Highlights

Candidates can check below table Daman & Diu NMMS 2023 in a brief description: 

Overview of Daman & Diu NMMS 2023
Name of Exam Daman & Diu NMMS 2023
Full Name National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarships Examination
Conducting body Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective Provide financial support to meritorious students
Mode of exam Offline
Exam level Matriculate
NMMS Official website https://www.daman.nic.in/ 

NMMS 2023 FAQ’s

Q1) Who can apply for the NMMS exam?

Ans: Campaigners who are studying in class 8th and whose parents’ income is less than 1.5 lakhs can apply for NMMS 2023 exam. 

Q2) Where can I apply for NMMS 2023?

Ans: Students can apply for NMMS 2023 exam in online or offline mode through respective schools as per the provision of their state-level exam conducting authority.

Q3) Do I have to renew my NMMS scholarship?

Ans: Yes, students have to apply for renewal of the NMMS scholarship every year through the National Scholarship Portal.

Q4) What are the qualifying marks for the NMMS 2023 exam?

Ans: The qualifying marks of MAT and SAT are 40% each (32% for SC/ST).

Q5) Is there any negative marking in the NMMS Scholarship Exam?

Ans: No, there is no negative marking in the NMMS exam. 

Other Important Links

NMMS 2023
Delhi NMMS Exam 2023
Kerala NMMS 2023
Jammu and Kashmir NMMS 2023
Goa NMMS 2023
Maharashtra NMMS 2023
Gujarat NMMS 2023
Andhra Pradesh NMMS 2023
Odisha NMMS 2023
UP NMMS 2023
Bihar NMMS 2023
Rajasthan NMMS 2023
Himachal Pradesh NMMS 2023
Chandigarh NMMS 2023
Assam NMMS 2023
West Bengal NMMS 2023
Haryana NMMS 2023
Andaman & Nicobar Islands NMMS 2023
Chhattisgarh NMMS 2023
Karnataka NMMS 2023
Dadra & Nagar Haveli NMMS 2023

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